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A level P.E Year 1
> 13.3 ethics in sport > Flashcards
13.3 ethics in sport Flashcards
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A level P.E Year 1
(31 decks)
cardio vascular system 1.1
The respiratory system 1.2
The neuromuscular system 1.3
the musculoskeletal system and analysis of movement in physical activities 1.4
Skill characteristics and their impact on transfer and practice 2.1
Principles and theories of learning and performance 2.2
emergence of the globalisation of sport in the 21st century 3.1
The impact of sport on society and of society on sport 3.2
Diet and nutrition and their effect on physical activity and performance 4.1
Preparation and training methods in relation to maintaining physical activity and performance 4.2
Biomechanical principles and levers 5.1
Psychological influences on the individual 6.1
Further psychological effects on the individual 6.2
psychological influences on the team 6.3
The role of technology in physical activity and sport 7.1
8.1 Energy systems
Information processing 9.1
10.1 injury prevention and the rehabilitation
11.1 Linear motion
11.2 Angular motion
11.3 Projectile motion
11.4 fluid mechanics
12.1 Psychological factors that can influence an individual in physical activities
13.1 Concepts of physical activity and sport
13.2 Development of elite performers in sport
13.3 ethics in sport
13.4 Violence in sport
13.5 drugs in sport
13.6 sport and the law
13.7 impacts of commercialisation on physical activity and sport and the relationship between sport and the media
13.8 the role of technology in physical activity and sport