13.1 +13.2 The Photon Model Flashcards
What are photons?
discrete pakets (quantumns) of EM energy
how did the ideas of photons come about?
the wave theory of light was not enough to explain the photo eletric effect
* established by einstein
* Mack Planck used these ideas to understand block body radiation (calculations worked when quantising )
what was the ultraviolet distaster?
- Lord Rayleigh was trying to find a function (mathematical relationship) between the frequencies emmited by EM radiation emmited by a black body as a afunction of it’s temperature
- math was coming out wrong and not matchng the experimented values
- his stuff was saying that blackbodies emmite infinte intensities of EM radiation at UV frequencies
- this violated law of conservation of energy
- instead Planck came up with a better equation by assuming that the vibration of energy particles was quantised
what is the equation for the energy of a photon?
E= h f
What is Plancks constant ?
what is a laser beam?
a device which emmits photons of the same frequnecy
how would you calculate the power of a beam (laser)?
what is the electron-volt eV ?
- another unit of energy
- the work done on/ by an electron in accelerating it between a potential difference of 1 volt
- E= QV
- E = ev
voltage times elementary charge (e-)
how do you convert from eV to Joules ?
conversion factor of
What is the photo-electric effect?
when UV light is shone on a metal, it emits eletrcons from the surface
How is the photot eletric effect demonstrated by the gold leaf electronscope?
what is the definition of the photoelectric effect?
the emission of electrons from the surface of a metal when it is illuminated by electromagnetic radiation (above a certain threshold frequency)
what are the conditions required for the photo eletric effect to take place?
- incident frequnecy of EM radiation is above a certain threshold frequency
regardless of intensity
What happens if you increase the intensity of the incident radiation ?
photo eletric effect
number of electrons emitted per second increases
1. this is becuase with greater intensity there are more photons per unit of time
1. increased number of photon electron interactions
1. increasing number of emitted electrons
not their kinetic energy
how can the kinetic energy of the emitted elecetrons be increases?
photo electric effect
increasing the frequency of incident radiation
increasing energy given
what is the work function Φ?
the minimum amount of energy needed by an electron to escape a metal surface
Explain the photo electric effect in full depth
- a single electron on a metal absorbs the energy carried by a single photon
- if the energy carried by a single photon exceeds the work function Φ of the metal, the electron is able to escape
- any energy in excess of the work function absorbed by the elctron becomes its kinetic energy
Why will very few electrons ever achieve maximum kinetic energy?
- only electrons near the surface of the metal will achieve maximum kinetic energy as the value of the work function Φ works most accuratly at their position
- most electrons deeper in will actually require more energy than Φ in order to leave as they have to overcome more attractive forces from ions deeper in the metal
- there there is less of the energy left for kineti energy
How do LEDs work?
Excitation and de-excitation but energy given via electricity
how can LEDs be used to estimate planck’s constant?
What is the assumption made in this practical?
at the threshold p.d, the energy of a single electron is transferred completely to the energy of a single photon
How could the practical be made more reliable ?
Doing it again on different coloured LEDs (different wavelengths)