1.1-1.3 Cell Unit vocab Flashcards
Learning the Cell unit vocabulary
What is the basic unit of life?
What is a group of single celled mirco-organisms, some of which can cause disesase?
What is the thin protective covering that seperates the interior of the cell from its surroundings and controls the movement of particles in and out of the cell
Cell Membrane
what are the three parts of cell theory
- cell is the basic unit of life 2. all organisms are composed (made up of) of one or more cells 3. all cells come from other living cells
What is the cell wall
A tough rigid structure that surrounds and protects a plant cell and gives it the rectangular boxlike shape
What is a chloroplast?
parts of plant cells that trap energy from the sun and changes it into chemical energy that plants use
What does a compound light microscope do?
It is the kind of microscope used in science classes and most medical laboratories to enlarge images
What is cytoplasm?
The jelly-like substance wihin a cell, containing organelles, water and other life supporting materials
What is diffusion? (Bacon)
The movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
What is an electron micrograph?
An image made by an electronic microscope
What is endoplasmic recticulum?
In cells a network of membrane covered chanels that transport materials (highway)
What are eukaryotic cells?
A type of cell whose organelles are surrounded by membranes
What is a golgi body
a structure in cells that sorts proteins and packs them into vesicles (Gold digger sorting gold)
what is a Lysosome
a cell structure containing digestive chemicals that function to break down food particles, cell wastes and worn-out cell parts. (Stomach)
What is metabolism?
the total of all chemical reactions that takes place in a cell
What are mitochondrion
the energy producers in a cell that carry out cellular respiration to produce energy for the cells
What is the nucleus of a cell?
the organelle that controls all the activities within a cell
what are organisms
living things
what is osmosis
the diffusion of water particles through a selectively permeable membrane. particles move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
What is a procaryotic cell?
A type of cell whose organelles are not surrounded by membrane
what are organelles
a part of a cell in which functions are carried out to ensure a cell’s survival
What is a ribosome
an organelle that assembles protein
What is a scanning electron microscope?
A powerful microscope that scientists use for research
What is selectively permeable membraine?
a membrane that allows some materials to pass through it but keeps other materials out
What is a vacuole
a temporary storage compartment in cells, sometimes used to store waste. They are much larger in plant cells
What is a virus?
tiny non-living particles that are capable of reproducing only when they are inside a host cell. They have no nucleus or organelles and cause disease
What is a cell?
the basic unit of life
What is bacteria
a single celled micro-organism some of which cause disease
What is a cell membrane?
the thin protective covering that separates the interior of the cell from its surroundings and controls the movment of particles in and out of the cell
What is one of the main ideas of modern biology?
cell theory
what is the tough rigid structure that surround and prtects a plant cell and gives it the rectangular boxlike sides
cell wall
parts of plant cells that trap energy from the sun and changes it into chemical energy that plants use
It is the kind of microscope used in science classes and most medical laboratories to enlarge images
compound light microscope
The jelly-like substance wihin a cell, containing organelles, water and other life supporting materials
The movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
An image made by an electronic microscope
electron micrograph
In cells a network of membrane covered chanels that transport materials (proteins) (highway)
endoplasmic reticulum
A type of cell whose organelles are surrounded by membranes
a structure in cells that sorts proteins and packs them into vesicles (gold digger)
Golgi boyd
a cell structure containing digestive chemicals that function to break down food particles, cell wastes and worn-out cell parts. (stomach)
the total of all chemical reactions that takes place in a cell
the energy producers in a cell that carry out cellular respiration to produce energy for the cells
the organelle that controls all the activities within a cell
all living things are called
the diffusion of water particles through a selectively permeable membrane. particles move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
A type of cell whose organelles are not surrounded by membrane
Procaryotic cell
a part of a cell in which functions are carried out to ensure a cell’s survival
an organelle that assembles protein
Name the powerful microscope that scientists use for research
scanning electron microscope
a membrane that allows some materials to pass through it but keeps other materials out
a selectively permeable membrain
a temporary storage compartment in cells, sometimes used to store waste. They are much larger in plant cells
tiny non-living particles that are capable of reproducing only when they are inside a host cell. They have no nucleus or organelles and cause disease
What is the difference between a bacteria and a virus?
Bacteria are single celled organisms. Virus is a particle that needs a host cell to survive and reproduce.
What are the five things that show something is alive?
- living things respond to their environment. 2. living things need energy 3. living things grow 4.living things reproduce 5. living things get rid of waste
what looks like a network of folded channels (highway)
endoplasmic reticulum
what looks like a tough rigid structure around the cell
cell membrane
what is a jelly like substance inside the cell
what does cytoplasm contain?
water, organelles,life suporting materials
what contains the DNA
what does the nucleus do
controls all activity in the cell
what do mitochondria do
make energy/produce energy for the cell
what do mitochondria look like
A jelly bean with an inner and outer membrane
what do chloroplasts do
trap energy from the sun and change it to chemical energy for the plant
what do chloroplasts look like
usually greenish colour organelle
what does a vacuole do
temporarily stores waste and liquid
is a vacuole larger in plant or animal cells
larger in plant cells
which has more vacuoles plant or animal
more in animal but smaller ones
what does a vesicle do
moves material in and out and around the cell
what does a vesicle look like
membraine bound sac smaller than a vacuole
what does the golgi body do (gold digger)
packages and sorts some materials for transport in or out of the cell
what does a golgi body look like
packs proteins into vesicles
what does lysosome do (stomach)
helps breakdown large particles of old and worn out organelles
what does lysosome look like
little circles that contains digestive enzymes
What is deoxyribonucleic acid
what is DNA
the hereditary material in cells
what is cellular respiration
when chemical energy from food is changed into energy that the cell can use. this happens in the mitochondria
How do you know if the cell does more work than another cell?
it has more mitochondria.
what happens in ribosomes?
proteins are assembled inside ribosomes like a factory
where are ribosomes found?
some float in cytoplasm other are found in endoplasmic reticulum
why is endoplasmic reticulum folded?
it gives it a greater surface area in a small space
What are two features found in plant cells that are not in animal cells?
cell walls chloroplasts
what is photosynthesis
the chemical reaction that takes place when carbon dioxide and water react in the presence of sunlight to produce glucose and oxygen
what is the difference between procaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells
Procaryotic cells organelles are not surrounded by membrane, they are smaller, single cell organisms, no nulclei Eucaryotic cell organelles ARE surrounded by membrane, they are larger, multicellular organisms and only a few single cell organisms
How many types of bacteria are there
over 5000
are all bacteria harmful
no, you need bacteria such as to digest food
what are the three shapes of bacteria
cocci (Sphere shaped) bacilli (rod shaped) spirilla (spiral shaped)
are viruses alive
what is the only information insde a virus
DNA to reproduce, all other functions are from the host cell
what is diffusion
when particles move from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentraion
when a cell membrane is selectively permeable, what does that mean?
some materials can be transported through it, but not all materials, like a coffee filter
what does concentration of particles mean?
the amount of substance in a given area
what is the cell membrane’s most important function?
to allow the movements of materials ouside the cell into the cell
what is osmosis
the diffusion of water particles through a selectively permeable membrane
what is equilibrium
when there is an equal quantity of particles on each side of a membrane
what do ribosomes look like?
tiny dark granules
where do you find ribosomes
free floating in the cytoplasm or in the endoplasmic reticulum
what is stored in vesicles
cell protein
what do vesicles look like
a bubble like organelle
what transports protein inside a cell
golgi apparatus
what does the golgi body produce
what do lysosomes do?
they are like little stomachs inside animal cells that help the cell digest food molecules and other molecules
how is energy created in plants so they can grow
chloroplasts use the sun energy
using sun energy is called
what is the green pigment (colour) in chloroplasts called
what is the selective flow of particles through a semipermeable membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of higher concentration
What takes up 70% of the inside of a cell?
Who was the first person to use a simple microscope to see cells?
Robert Hooke in 1665
Why did he name cells cells?
Because they reminded him of a monk’s room in a monastery which are called cells.
what does the word cell mean?
comes from the word cella, which means store room or small container
Schleiden and Schwann in the 1800s discovered what amazing thing?
that all living things are made up of cells, and that the cell is the basis for plants and animal development
In 1864 Pasteur discovered what?
That new living things can only come from other living things.
Hooke, Schelieden, Schwann and Pastuer’s findings led to what theory?
cell theory