102.Trachea_bronchi Flashcards
segments of the lower airway
trachea down to the carina then splits to principle main stem bronchi–>lobar bronchi (to each lung lobe respectively–>segmental bronchi (overlapping cartilage plates)–>subsegmental bronchi–>bronchioles (lack cartilage plates)
what does the trachea consists of
incomplete hyaline cartilage ringsdorsal muscle attachment==trachealis muscle (smooth muscle)~ 35 ringsbtwn rings = annular ligament (fibroelastic tissue)
outter layer of the trachea
cervical trachea = adventitiathoracic trachea = serosa
cell types of the trachea
trachea and upper bronchimucosa= pseudo stratified coloumnar epithciliated columnar cells, goblet cells, basal cells with few endocrine cells in the mucosatubuloalveolar glands in the lamina propria (secret 40x goblet cell mucus)further distal: glands decr, then goblet cells, then ciliated cells
describe blood supply to trachea
segmentalcranial and caudal thyroid arteriesrich subepithelial mucosal plexusat carina= bronchoesophageal arteries
innervation to the trachea
right vagus (left vagus only results in < 30% stimulation compared to right vagus—RIGHT VAGUS IS DOMINANT INNERVATION TO TRACHEA)recurrent laryngeal nerve
functions of trachea
- conduit for inspired gases and gas echange2. condition inspired air (warmth and humidification)3. airway homeostasis with mucociliary apparatus (10-15 mm/minute)
tracheal size
tracheal diameter: thoracic inlet< 0.13 in bull dogs< 0.16 abN for non bulldog brachy cephalics< 0.20 abN for nonbrachycephalic dogs
diagnostics for diseases of the trachea
compelte PE, ortho, neuroassess airway flow and patentcypalpate larynx and cartilage of trachea to elicit coughT radsfluoroscopyCTtracheobronchoscopy (only way to reliably grade collapse and eval for bronchomalacia)bronchoalveolar lavage (guided sample)transtracheal wash (non guided sample)
tube size recommendations for temporary tracheostomy
–tube should be large enough to provide adequate airflow but small enough to allow for airflow around the tube (to help prevent from immediate death due to tube occlusion)–cuff vs noncuff (non cuff or deflated cuff preferred to avoid tracheal necrosis)
methods of temporary tracheostomy placement
general anesthesia–transverse incision not more than 50% diameter of trachea–tracheal flap–vertical incision
mgmt of tracheostomy tubes
—-STERILE technique—-humidification/coupage to break down mucus—-gentle lavage (0.2 ml/kg saline) and suction of airway (PREOXYGENATE and suction no more than 10 seconds)—-clean tube with 2% chlorohexidine and saline before replacement—-change tube (sterile) q 12 hr ( may need to q 4-6 hrs initially bc mucus production)—-avoid cuff inflation unless PPV given (then change cuff position q4hr)—-gentle cleansing stoma
what locations have stenosis been ID’d post temporary tracheostomy tube placement
—at stoma site–at the level of cuff or tube tipusually loss of 25% luminal area
immediate temporary tracheostomy complication rate
50% complications plugging (most common 20%)gag.cough/vomitsubcutaneous emphysemapneumomediastinuimpneumothoraxinfectionrespiratory distresspremature tube removal/dislodgementstenosismucosal erosion** cats may produce more mucus and have higher incidence of tracheal mucus plugs
recommended cuff for temporary tracheostomy
IF using a cuff (non cuffed are preferred)high volume low pressure cuffs are preferred
how long does it take for the trachea to adapt to a permanent tracheostomy
squamous metaplasia occurs 0-4 weeks becoming normal at 16 weeksstricture of stoma is to be expected (in one study up to 60%)
how many tracheal rings have been resected in experimental dog studies
15-27 rings have been resected experimentally20-25% in puppies (higher elasticity but fragile bc high water content than collagen)60% in adults
how to minimize tension on tracheal R&A site
tension relieving sutures may not be necessary (Behrend et al)–tension relieving sutures proximal and distal to resection site (try to not further impair blood supply)–fixed ventroflexion of neck (may be uncomfortable)–release of annular ligaments with preservation of mucosa
suture material preferred for tracheal R&A
monofilament absorbable to avoid complications with granuloma formation and stricture
advantages and disadvantage of suture patten on tracheal R& A healing
continuous suture pattern is faster, distributes tension evenly, reduces focal irritation/ischmeia and increases tensile strengthBUTcontinuous suture causes more tracheal stenosis than simple interrupted
two techniques for tracheal R& A
- split cartilage technique (less stenosis, stronger anastomosis)2. annular ligament cartilage technique
approach to cervical and thoracic trachea
cervical—ventral midlinethoracic– RIGHT 3-5 IC (ligate and transect azygos, preserve vagus, phrenic, recurrent laryngeal n)
complications of tracheal R&A
–infection (impaired MC apparatus decr 3 fold takes 1 month to reestablish)—leakage (SQ emphysema, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax)–stricture formation (med mgmt, ballon, stent, bougienage, R&A)
two reasons why tracheal R&A may fail
—disruption to segmental blood supply–too much tension
cause and location commonly associated with tracheal rupture
–cats and recent dental procedure/intubation–occurs at the junction of tracheal is muscle and ring near the end of the cuff or tip of endotracheal tube
methods of tracheal FB removal
–tracheobronchoscopy–fluoroscopic guidance–foley catheter technique–thoracotomy/tracheotomy (increased morbidity)most FB are not retrieved
biphasic age distribution with tracheal neoplasia
young–benign masses (Granuloma–Onchocerca, Spirocerca lupi, cuterebra; Hematoma; Lithiasis)old–malignant massesrequires 50% of lumen to be obstructed prior to clinical signstx: tracheobronchoscopy (biopsy, debulk), R&A
grades of tracheal collapse
- 25%2. 50%3. 75%4. 100%Tangner and Hobson classificationsurgery for stages 2-4 or if failed medical mgmt
pathophysiology of tracheal collapse
laxity trachealis muscledecreased water content/GAG in cartilage of tracheal rings making them more compliant and less rigidperpetual inflammatory cycle; squamous metaplasia, decrease mucociliary apparatus, pulmonary hypertension (cor pulmonale–right heart enlargement)
results of tracheal palpation to elicit a cough is how diagnostic for tracheal collapse
palpation is only positive in 40% of tracheal collapse patients
diagnostics for patient with tracheal collapse
- thoracic rads2. fluoroscopy3. tracheobronchoscopy 4.+/- bronchioalvelor lavage (culture and cytology)
medical management success in tracheal collapse patient
70% success with rx for longer than 1 yrwt lossGCCcoolcontrolled exerciseharnessavoid smoke, scented candles, airway irritantsnebulize with humidificationbronchodilators
surgical tx of tracheal collapse
10% risk of severe life threatening complications 1. extraluminal prosthetic rings(polypropelene rings or syringe cases)–segmental external skeleton for cervical and cranial thoracic trachea2. extraluminal spiral prosthesis–uniform support to the entire trachea; requires lateral thoracotomy for distal placement3. intraluminal stents–thoracic and cervical trachea (across thoracic inlet); nitinol (nickel and titanium allow), self expanding
complications with extraluminal tracheal stenting
- laryngeal paralysis (place rings on MEDIAL aspect of recurrent laryngeal nerve and vessels); 10-30%2. tracheal necrosis (damage to segmental blood supply of trachea); characterized by cough, SQ emphysema, death3. pneumothorax (accidental entrance of thoracic cavity and/or excessive tension on stay sutures)
T/Fresponse to surgical intervention of tracheal collapse has not been associated with the grade of collapse before surgery
avoid damage to blood supply of trachea during extraluminal ring prosthetic placement by skeletonizing what side of the trachea?
recommend skeletonizing the RIGHT pedicle because there is more space between the right recurrent laryngeal nerve and cervical trachea than on the leftalternatively, do not skeletonize either pedicle but rather make a tunnel to pass each ring around
advantages of intraluminal tracheal stent prosthesis
Reconstrainable, woven, foreshortening SEMS (nitinol) which resist alterations up to 10% without plastic deformation, have thermal shape memory, super elasticity, and hysteresis propertiesavoids damage to nerves and blood supply; non invasive, quick anesthetic timeexert a radial stress against the tracheal wall (to resist migration)
difference of woven vs laser cut stents
woven experience foreshortening (measurable shortening with placement)laser cut do not experience foreshortening (but have a high unacceptable rate of fracture)
tracheal stent size recommendations
rads, fluor, trachobronchoscopylength: scope or fluoroscopy for length in an awake patient (fluoro preferred to decrease anesthetic episode)diameter: general anesthesia and PPV at 20 cm H20 to maximize tracheal diameter (fluoro or rads)stent is chosen that exceeds the widest measured tracheal diameter (with PPV) by 10-20%stent length needed to span collapse area/entire length of trachea; expect some foreshortening
outcome following intraluminal stent placement for tracheal collapse
SEMS resulted in immediate improvement 96%long term improvement in 83% (longer than a year)
complications of intraluminal tracheal stents
–stent fracture (can be removed piecemeal, new stent deployed, extraluminal ring placement, removal via tracheotomy)–stent migration (if inappropriate size used)–tracheitis (60%—treat in order to avoid inflammation and potential granulation tissue buildup)–collapse beyond the stented area–obstruction of lumen with granulation tissue (anti-inflammatories, colchicine therapy)–tracheal rupture–rectal prolapse/perineal hernia (suspect from persistent cough)
chronic irreversible damage to bronchi most commonly caused by recurrent/chronic pneumoniabronchial lumen dilates from the pull of adjacent pulmonary parenchyma (dilation distally without tapering)3 forms: cylindrical**, cystic, saccularright cranial lung lobe most common
ciliary dyskinesis
immotile cilia syndrome(respiratory, sperm, and auditory tube epithelium affected)prone to bronchopneumoniaconcurrent situs inversus (50%)
what is Kartagener syndrome
triad situs inversuschronic rhinosinusitisbronchiectasis