1. wk 3 Reversible cellular changes accumulations (f) Flashcards
(3) categories of intracelluar accumulations that can occur
- endogenous sub.- produced at a normal rate, but metabolism rate is inadequate
- lack of enzyme
- accum. of an abnormal exogenous sub.
accum of fat in the liver is usually due to a normal endogenous sub produced, but the _______ is inadequate
rate of metabolism
c.c. Lysosomal storage dx (L.S.D): is caused by a lack of ______ needed for metab.
c.c _____: condition where there was an inability to degrade phagocytosed particles
carbon pigment accumulation
accum of triglycerides in the cytoplasm during steatosis appear as _______
fatty changes are most often seen in what organ?
What is the name of this cc
(4) secondary caused to increas. syn of triglycerides in the liver
- increased fat uptake (obesity)
- excess lipolysis (diabetes, alcohol, corticosteroids)
- decreased oxidation of FA (alcohl, hypoxia, hepatotoxin
- increased syn of FA (alcohol)
(3) conditions that occur bc of alcohol abuse
- enhance lipolysis
- increas. FT synthesis
- decreas. FA oxidation
If the liver has a yellowish hue, this indicates a _______
fatty change
c.c. ______: yellow bands alternating with normal red brown uninvolved bands with heart steatonis
tabby cat
c.c.________: cholesterol accum. in smooth M cells and macrophages
c.c._____: cholesterol accum in subepithelial CT
C.C._____: yellow plaque that forms on the skin
cc.____: yellowing of the eyes
c.c_____: accum of immunoglobins in cytoplasm of malignant plasma cells (Russell bodies)
multiple myeloma
c.c. russell bodies are rounded eosinophilic bodies from ______
multiple myeloma
c.c___ accum of carbon part. of coal dust or air polution
_____ is the wear and tear lipochrome pigment
lipofuscin is caused by degraded _________
membranes of cytoplasmic organelles
melanin is formed when tyrosinase convertes _____ into _____
tyrosine into dihydroxyphenylalanine
c.c.______: excess iron causes accum of iron
(4) causes of hemosiderin
- incre. absorption of iron
- impaired iron utilization
- anemia
- blood transfusions
_____ is derived from the non iron portion of hempglobin
jaundice results from (3)
- increase production due to increase destruction of RBC
- decrease excretion
- obstruction of bile flow
____ is yellowing of the sclera of the eye