(1)TB 071 - Management of Spontaneous Volunteers Flashcards
There are many factors affecting the survival rate of trapped victims, but _______ is the primary consideration.
Convergent or spontaneous volunteers are viewed as a major resource, but also as a potential problem. One of the PRIMARY CONCERNS is that these volunteers are ___________.
placing themselves in jeopardy.
First rescue efforts are often spontaneous volunteers that perform “_____ search and rescue” is characterized by the rescue of injured, but NOT TRAPPED, or the rescue from lightly damaged structures where entrapment is caused by the building contents, i.e., file drawers, bookshelves, appliances, or small pieces of debris.
(During this initial phase; estimates range from 80 to 90 PERCENT and may be as high as 97%)
The safety of the spontaneous rescuer will be ensured by ___________.
effective management.
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers (trained by the Fire Department) will assist ________ during the initial phase of a disaster.
their communities
Volunteers have been categorized by the California Office of Emergency Services as being one of the following two types:
- CONVERGENT Volunteer - This volunteer is one who appears at the scene of a disaster, not as part of any organized response effort, and whose skill level is UNKNOWN.
- ORGANIZED Volunteer - This volunteer is part of an organized effort and has BEEN TRAINED to a specified level.
The Community and City Response Teams are readily recognized by the _________.
A Business Response Team may not be as easily identifiable, and MAY or MAY NOT be trained by the Fire Department.
green helmet and vest
Trained volunteers and professionals should be used to _________ to those with no formal training.
provide direction and guidance
A valuable tool in the management of the convergent or organized volunteer, and a FIRST STEP in providing for their SAFETY, will be the use of the Personnel Department’s ___________.
Occupational Safety Office (OSO).
(OSO is responsible for assisting in the coordination of convergent volunteers. Designated OSO employees are assigned vehicles or emergency trailers)
The strategy used in the direction and supervision of volunteers should include:
-making sure each situation is isolated
-all information is evaluated
-tasks are delegated
-needs are communicated
The ISOLATION of the incident will allow the first responder an opportunity to ____________.
Assess the NUMBER and LOCATION of volunteers who are already working.
(This initial action of isolating the incident(s) and the volunteers will establish CONTROL.)
A volunteer with a specific skill would be assigned to a TASK GROUP or TEAM of not more than ______, and be given an assignment.
(When assigning volunteers, delegate one person as the group leader. )
One of the most important functions for the Company Commander is to initiate LOGISTICAL support. Occupational Safety Office (OSO) personnel and their equipment trailers, and the members of CERTS, should provide a logistical foundation for the _________.
volunteer coordinator.
(The AMOUNT of logistical support for the volunteers will often dictate the success or failure of their tasks.)
One of the best ways to give direction to an untrained volunteer is by ________.
(Pair up trained volunteers with the untrained and have volunteers work alongside trained professionals)
The purpose of the CERT Program is to __________.
improve community self-reliance and, therefore, survival in the event of a large disaster.
(individuals or neighborhoods will need to rely on themselves during the first 24 to 72 hours.)
Every City facility housing ______ or more CITY EMPLOYEES shall have a __________.
Building Emergency Coordinator.
The GOAL of training CERT members is to provide ________________.
an added level of skill and safety to those who will be doing the work, regardless of their level of expertise.
To effectively manage the volunteer resources at the scene of a disaster, Company and Incident Commanders must be able to ___________.
recognize these volunteer resources.