07-01 - Academic Dishonesty and Cheating Flashcards
The term academic dishonesty or cheating included, but is not limited to, the following
- Obtaining answers to test/examination/segment questions through unauthorized materials, unauthorized information, or from another participant
- Possessing unauthorized material or electronic devices during a test/exam
- Knowingly helping another participant to commit an act of academic dishonesty by letting them view your answers or notes during a test/examination/segment
- Giving other participants answers to questions during a test/exam/segment or while leaving the test/examination room, or telling other participants about the questions that appear on the test/exam/segment who may participate in the test/exam/segment in a later sitting, prior to examinations being posed by the Promotional Committee.
- Improperly obtaining, through deceit, theft, or bribery, collusion or otherwise, a test/examination, in whole or in part, in advance of its administration, or other confidential information
- Failing to abide by the instructions of the proctors/invigilators concerning test taking procedures, such as but not limited to, failing to take the seat assigned to you, failing to adhere to start/stop times, communicating/sharing materials in any way with other test/exam participant
- Failing to adhere to stop times
- Failing to arrive on time for scheduled tests/exams/segments are typically not considered a violation of this policy, however, participants must be aware that doing so will be to their detriment as more time will not be allotted.
The Instructors, Invigilators or the Promotional/Exam Committee, when observing an act of academic dishonesty or cheating, will depending on the severity of the incident
1-Inform the participants of their observations, and may also include:
–Advising the participants to cease and desist the behaviour
–The confiscation of the test/exam immediately, along with any incriminating evidence
–The removal of the participants involved from the exam area.
2-Inform the Fire Chief, or designate, and the President of the BPFFA in writing providing details of the situation and circumstances.
Minimum penalty for academic dishonesty
-will be a mark of zero on the test/exam/segment and may include further disciplinary action which will be placed in the participants Employee File of Reference retained in HR.