05b: Intestinal Absorption Flashcards
T/F: Absorption of CHO, proteins, and fats is complete in upper half of small intestine.
The distal 1/3 of intestine is essential for absorption of:
Vit B12-IF complex and bile salts
T/F: Most water, vit/minerals absorbed in distal half of small intestine.
False - proximal half
Tight junctions throughout intestine exhibit variable permeability to (X) compounds. Where along intestine are these junctions more/less leaky?
X = water and ions;
More leaky at proximal small intestine and grow tighter gradually toward colon
The transepithelial potential difference in intestine/colon is positive on (luminal/ISF) side. Would you expect this difference to be greater in small intestine or colon?
Colon (less permeable tight junctions)
Brunner’s glands in (X) part of GI tract secrete (acidic/neutral/alkaline) and (serous/mucous) fluid that likely serves (Y) function.
X = duodenum (submucosa)
Y = protective
Most CHO we consume is in the form of (mono/di/poly)-saccharides. Which of these forms of CHO can be absorbed in small intestine?
Polysaccharides/starch (60%);
Only monosaccharides!
The enzymes that can breakdown poly/di-saccharides into monosaccharides come from/reside in (X). List some of these enzymes.
X = anchored in luminal membrane of enterocytes;
- Maltase and isomaltase
- Lactase
- Sucrase
T/F: Enzymes on enterocytes that break down CHO to monosaccharides all have specific substrates.
False - some hydrolyze more than one substrate
T/F: Lactase can only hydrolyze lactose.
T/F: Sucrase can only hydrolyze sucrose.
False - but sucrose can only be hydrolyzed by sucrase
Following normal meal, most ingested CHO is digested/absorbed in (first/middle/last) (X)% of small intestine.
X = 20
Which monosaccharides share common mechanism of transport into enterocytes? Which mechanism is that?
Glucose and galactose;
Na-dependent co-transport (via SGLT1 carrier)
T/F: Glucose, galactose, and fructose compete for the same apical carrier in small intestine.
False - only glucose and galactose do
Apical uptake of fructose in small intestine is via (X) (carrier/channel) and is dependent on (ATP/Na).
X = GLUT5 carrier
Intestinal absorption: Basolateral exit of (X) monosaccharides is (up/down)-hill via (Y) (transporter/channel).
X = glucose, galactose, fructose
Y = GLUT2 (facilitated transporter)
Some evidence shows that tight junction permeability (increases/decreases) following activation of SGLT1 transport, which is responsible for (X). What’s the function of this?
X = apical transport of glucose and galactose
Allows paracellular absorption of glucose if its luminal concentration is high
In glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, (X) transport system is not functioning. What’s fed to infants with this disorder?
X = SGLT1 (Na-dependent, brush border sugar transport system);
Oral sugar tolerance test: if patient is intolerance, (X) symptom will ensue and sugar will appear in (blood/feces).
X = diarrhea
T/F: Most protein absorption takes place in ileum.
False - nearly completely absorbed by the time it’s traversed the jejunum
T/F: Intact proteins and large peptides cannot be absorbed in intestine.
False - only in minute amounts via receptor-mediated endocytosis
T/F: Any protein leaving the stomach is in the form of peptides since no enzyme can break them down to AA.
False - pepsin can reduce small amount into AA/peptides
T/F: Small peptides are significantly more concentrated than single AAs in intestinal lumen.
True (about 3-4x)
T/F: The rate of AAs exceeds the rate of di-peptides/tri-peptides.
False - vice versa
AA transporters in small intestine are classified according to which characteristics?
- Specificity for groups of AA (neutral, acidic, etc)
2. Na- dependent/independent
PepT1 is a(n) (X)-dependent transport system for (Y).
X = proton Y = small (di/tri)-peptides
In addition to the transporters, diffusion across (apical/basolateral) membrane is possible for small, (X) AAs.
X = hydrophobic
Hereditary disorders involving malfunctioning AA transporters are likely recognized by (presence/absence) of AAs in (blood/urine/feces). Why?
AA transporters defective in enterocytes also found (and defective) in renal tubule
T/F: In AA absorption defects, malnutrition does not ensue since AAs can be absorbed in di/tri-peptide form.
With daily ingestion of (X) volume water and GI secretion of (Y) volume fluid, how much fluid does intestine absorb each day?
X = 2L Y = 7L
9 L absorbed
List the key locations in GI tract where significant water reabsorption takes place.
Jejunum and (to lesser extent) ileum
Intestinal water absorption is secondary to (X) (secretion/reabsorption). This phenomenon is referred to as (Y).
X = Na reabsorption Y = standing osmotic gradient
T/F: Water absorption in GI tract takes place only minimally through aquaporins and moreso through tight junctions.
False - NO aquaporins found as of yet
List the location in GI tract where Na reabsorption rate is highest. Where along tract does Na absorption not occur?
Na absorbed along the entire length of intestine
Na transport across (luminal/basolateral) membrane requires Na/K ATPase in (X) part of intestine. Why is the ATPase needed?
X = all
Na exiting is against its electrochemical potential difference (ISF is more positive than lumen)
ENaC, aka (X), is (transporter/channel/ATPase) found in (apical/basolateral) membrane of (Y) part of GI tract. It’s responsible for:
X = epithelial Na channel
Y = colon
Na absorption into colonic cells
Na transport in colon, via (X) mechanism, is stimulated by (Y) hormone/NT.
X = ENaC (channel) Y = aldosterone
Any left-over HCO3 in intestinal lumen is reabsorbed in (X) location and involves the (secretion/absorption) of (Y).
X = jejunum
Y = H+ (to form CO2 that diffuses across membrane)
T/F: During intestinal reabsorption of HCO3, the molecule absorbed from lumen is technically a different one than that secreted into blood.
True - enters cell as CO2 and then carbonic anhydrase does its thing within cell to form H and (new) HCO3
T/F: From jejunum onward, HCO3 is only up for reabsorption.
False - colon normally secretes HCO3 in exchange for Cl
Colon (secretes/absorbs) HCO3 via (trans/para)-cellular mechanism.
Transcellular (HCO3/Cl exchange)
Large paracellular absorption of Cl occurs in (X) part of GI tract. It’s driven by:
X = jejunum
Electrical potential difference (set up by Na absorption)
Feces is typically (neutral/alkaline/acidic) and has relatively high concentration of (X) ion.
X = K
In small intestine, K is usually (absorbed/secreted). What’s the mechanism and driving force?
Absorbed (lumen to blood);
Paracellular diffusion; lots of water reabsorbed raises K conc in lumen
In the colon, K is normally (absorbed/secreted) in (para/trans)-cellular manner.
In disease like cholera, the toxin (activates/inhibits) (X), leading to increased intestinal (absorption/secretion) and (Y) symptom.
Activates; X = AC (irreversibly) Massive secretion (of electrolytes and water); Y = diarrhea
Mechanism for Ca absorption in intestine depends on level of (X). What are the two potential mechanisms?
X = intake;
- Paracellular (ileum; adequate intake)
- Transcellular (duodenum; low intake)
Transcellular absorption of Ca: entry into cell is (uphill/downhill) via (X) (channel/transporter/ATPase).
X = Ca channel (TRPV 6)
T/F: Ca absorption in small intestine depends on voltage-sensitive Ca channel (TRPV 6).
False - it’s voltage-insensitive
Transcellular absorption of Ca: which step is rate-limiting? This step requires (X).
Intracellular diffusion;
X = calbindin (Ca-binding protein)
Transcellular absorption of Ca: exit from basolateral membrane involves (X) (channel/transporter/ATPase).
X = Ca ATPase and Na/Ca exchange
How does Vitamin D play role in enhancing (X) mineral (absorption/secretion)?
X = Ca absorption;
Increase synthesis of calbindin and Ca ATPase
(X) absorption is tightly regulated because it can have deleterious effects. Further, it’s sequestered by proteins: (Y) in plasma and (Z) in cells.
X = Fe Y = transferrin Z = ferritin
Most Fe absorption takes place in (X) portion of GI tract, where (Y) enzyme on surface of cells makes it more soluble by:
X = upper duodenum Y = ferrireductase (on brush border)
Reducing Fe3+ to Fe2+ (more soluble)
Fe absorption: Free (ferrous/ferric) ion crosses apical membrane via (X).
X = Divalent Metal Transporter (DMT1)
Fe absorption: some (ferrous/ferric) ions can be absorbed while bound to (X). How are they freed intracellularly?
X = heme
Heme oxygenase frees ion
Fe that is lost in the feces is (free/bound). Elaborate.
Bound to ferritin;
This binding occurs in enterocytes and is near irreversible
Calbindin is to Ca what (X) is to Fe.
X = mobilferrin
Fe absorption: upon exit through basolateral membrane via (X), Fe undergoes which changes for transport into blood?
X = ferroportin
Oxidized to ferric ion (via ferroxidase) and incorporated into plasma transferrin
Apoferritin, produced by (X) cells, (increases/decreases) when Fe stores are abundant.
X = mucosal
Increases (binds more Fe so more Fe lost in feces)
(X) is a peptide released by liver that (increases/decreases) Fe absorption via which mechanism?
X = hepcidin
Initiates internalization/degradation of basolat ferroportin transporter
List the three main mechanisms that regulate Fe absorption.
- Apoferritin levels
- Hepcidin
- Hypoxia inducible transcription factor