02a: Anatomy Flashcards
Where does the foregut end and midgut begin?
Liver, gallbladder, and spleen are considered part of (fore/mid/hind)-gut. Arterial supply to this area is primarily from (X) and venous drainage primarily via (Y).
X = celiac trunk Y = splenic and gastric veins
T/F: the entire colon (ascending, transverse, descending) is considered part of hindgut.
False - considered midgut up to middle of transverse colon
Arterial supply to midgut is primarily via (X) artery and drainage via (Y) vein.
X = Y = superior mesenteric
Arterial supply to hindgut is primarily via (X) artery and drainage via (Y) vein.
X = Y = inferior mesenteric
Venous drainage of (X) portions of GI tract drain to liver via (Y).
X = ALL Y = hepatic portal system (via hepatic portal vein)
List common branches off celiac trunk.
- Splenic a.
- L. Gastric a.
- Common hepatic a.
Which arteries supply small curvature of stomach? And large curvature?
Small: L and R gastric
Large: L and R gastro-omental; AND short gastric aa
Scenic artery supplies which areas of foregut? Via which branches?
- Greater curvature and posterior wall of stomach (L gastro-omental, posterior and short gastric aa)
- Spleen (Splenic)
- Pancreas (dorsal pancreatic a)
(SMA/IMA) and associated veins/branches are within the mesentery.
Marginal artery of Drummond is important because it connects (X). It’s located in which portion of the (fore/mid/hind)-gut?
X = SMA and IMA
Junction/transition between transverse and descending colon
Portocaval anastamoses may occur in patients with (X) condition. List the three ways these can present.
X = portal hypertension
- Caput medusae
- Esophageal varices
- Internal hemorrhoid
List the primary tributaries to the portal vein.
Splenic, SMV, IMV
All blood entering liver will enter through (X) squad, composed of (Y) structures.
X = portal triad
Y = hepatic a proper, portal v, bile duct
The hepatoduodenal ligament is home to which structures?
Portal triad! (Hepatic a proper, portal v, bile duct)
T/F: clamping the hepatoduodenal ligament leads to preventing vascular blood flow into and out of liver.
False - flow our of liver via hepatic veins directly into IVC, not through the ligament/portal triad
Each branch of hepatic portal vein (drains/supplies) (1/2/3) segments of liver. Each branch of bile duct (drains/supplies) (1/2/3) segments of liver. Each branch of hepatic vein (drains/supplies) (1/2/3) segments of liver.
Supplies 1 segment;
Drains 1 segment;
Drains 2 segments
Hepatic artery proper forms from (X) when (Y) branches off.
X = common hepatic a Y = gastroduodenal a
List branches off proper hepatic a.
- R gastric a
- L and R hepatic aa
- Cystic (off R hepatic)
Calot’s Triangle, aka (X), is formed by which three borders? It typically contains (Y).
X = cystohepatic triangle
- Inferior border of liver
- Cystic duct (and medial gallbladder)
- Common hepatic duct
Y = cystic a
Origin of SMA and SMV emerges (anterior/posterior) to (X) of pancreas and passes (superficial/deep) to (Y) of pancreas.
X = neck
Y = uncinate process
SMA vessels, after passing pancreas, lie (superficial/deep) to which structure(s)?
3rd part of duodenum and L renal vein
SMA Syndrome is a result of compression/blockage of (X) by (Y).
X = duodenum Y = SMA (against aorta)
Nutcracker syndrome is a result of compression of (X) by (Y). What’s the key clinical consequence of this compression?
X = L renal vein Y = SMA (against aorta)
Renal venous hypertension
What are the symptoms of Nutcracker syndrome?
- Blood in urine (Hematuria)
- Flank pain
- Varicocele (enlarged scrotal veins)
Leinorenal ligament is found between (X) structures and it contains (Y) vessel(s).
X = left kidney and spleen Y = splenic
Gastrosplenic ligament is found between (X) structures and it contains (Y) vessel(s).
X = stomach and spleen Y = short gastric and L gastro-omental
Leinorenal ligament made from (lesser/greater) omentum. Gastrosplenic ligament made from (lesser/greater) omentum.
Greater; greater