01b: PDH, TCA Cycle, Urea Cycle Flashcards
Overall PDH rxn: what goes in?
Pyruvate, NAD, CoA
Overall PDH rxn: what comes out?
Acetyl-CoA, CO2, NADH
PDH: (oxidation/reduction) must occur to produce acetyl-CoA. Otherwise, (carboxylation/decarboxylation) will produce a(n) (X).
Oxidation (thus, NAD reduction);
X = acetyladehyde
Dehydrogenation is essentially (oxidation/reduction)
List the three components of PDH and their cofactors.
- PDH (ft. TPP)
- Dihydrolipoyl transacetylase (ft. Lipoic acid)
- Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (ft. FAD)
Vit B1 is (X), B2 is (Y). Which cofactor is each important for?
X = thiamine (TPP) Y = riboflavin (FAD)
Lipoic acid is cofactor for (X) of PDH complex. It attaches to (Y) residue of (X).
X = Dihydrolipoyl transacetylase; Y = lysine
E3 of PDH complex is important for regenerating (lipoic/dihydrolipoic) acid from (lipoic/dihydrolipoic) acid. Star the reduced form of the compound and state whether this reaction is an oxidation or reduction.
(Thus, this is an oxidation reaction)
E3 has to (oxidize/reduce) (X) to regenerate (lipoic/dihydrolipoic) acid.
(X) component of PDH (oxidizes/reduces) (FAD/FADH2) via (oxidation/reduction) of (NAD/NADH).
X = E3 (dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase); Oxidizes FADH2 (back to FAD); Reduction of NAD
T/F: Acetyl-CoA cannot be converted back to glucose.
True (hence importance of PDH regulation)
High values for which ratios inhibit PDH?
- Acetyl-CoA:CoA
High values for which ratios activate PDH kinase, thus (activating/inhibiting) PDH?
- Acetyl-CoA:CoA
PDH Phosphatase is activated by (X), which then are indirect (stimulators/inhibitors) for PDH.
X = Insulin, Pyruvate, Ca
How would you expect PDH deficiency to impact lactate levels? Pyruvate?
Both elevated
PDH deficiency is commonly inherited/transmitted in (X) manner. It may result in death of newborn due to severe (Y)
X = X-linked Y = lactic acidosis
The fundamental issue in PDH deficiency is one of (synthesis/degradation/transport).
Transport of E1a into mitochondria
TCA Cycle (uses/produces) (X) molecules of CO2 per cycle.
X = 2
TCA Cycle produces (X) NADH and (Y) FADH2 and (Z) ATP.
X = 3
Y = 1
No ATP, but 1 GTP
Production of (X) in TCA Cycle is example of substrate level phosphorylation.
(X) component of TCA Cycle can branch off and become Phosphoenolpyruvate, which can enter (Y) reaction.
X = oxaloacetate; Y = gluconeogenesis
FA synthesis can occur when (X) component of TCA Cycle becomes (Y) compound.
X = citrate (exits to cytoplasm); Y = acetyl-coa (by releasing oxaloacetate FYI)
(X) enzyme of TCA Cycle is similar to PDH in structure/cofactors, but differs in which regulation mechanism?
X = alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase;
Not regulated by phosphorylation
List the enzymes in TCA cycle that carry out reduction of NAD.
- Isocitrate dehydrogenase
- Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
- Malate dehydrogenase
Succinyl-CoA inhibits (X) enzyme of TCA Cycle.
X = Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Arsenic poisoning is a reaction with (X), which (stimulates/inhibits) (Y) key enzymes.
X = lipoic acid
Y = PDH and Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Isocitrate dehydrogenase enzymes differ in their (oxidation/reduction) of (X).
Mutations in (X) isozymes of isocitrate dehydrogenase result in (loss/gain) of function.
X = IDH1 or IDH2
Gain (oncogenic mutations)
Two major systems for degrading proteins are:
- Lysosomes
2. Ubiquitin-proteosome
The toxic byproduct of AA metabolism is (X). (Y) organ takes care of this by converting it to (Z).
X = Free ammonia Y = liver Z = non-toxic urea
List the enzymes of the urea cycle in order of action. Star the ones in the cytosol. Where are the others?
- Carbamoyl-P Synthetase
- Ornithine transcarbamoylase
- Argininosuccinate synthetase*
- Argininosuccinase*
- Arginase*
Mitochondrial matrix
In urea cycle, (X) is transported out of mito in exchange for (Y) coming in.
X = citrulline Y = ornithine
The importance for compartmentation of (X) enzymes in urea cycle is that (Y) is also an intermediate for (Z) pathway.
X = Carbamoyl-P synthetase and ornithine transcarbamoylase Y = carbamoyl-P Z = pyrimidine biosynthesis (in cytoplasm)
The two forms of (X) enzyme are important control points for urea cycle and pyrimidine biosynthesis. Which reaction/enzyme is compartmentalized in mito?
X = carbamoyl-P synthetase (1 and 2)
Carbamoyl-P synthetase 1 (for urea cycle)
A total of (X) ATP are (produced/used) by one round of urea cycle. How many ADP/AMP are (used/produced)
X = 3
2 ADP, 1 AMP produced
Big picture: what are the components that go into urea cycle?
CO2, NH4, 3 ATP, Asp, 2 H2O
Big picture: what are the products of the urea cycle?
Urea, 2 ADP, 2 Pi, AMP, PPi, fumarate
(Asp/fumarate) is needed for the urea cycle. Then, (X) enzyme produces (asp/fumarate) when (Y) is produced.
X = argininosuccinase
Y = arginine
TCA Cycle enzymes are important for urea cycle in conversion/recycling of (X) to (Y).
X = fumarate Y = aspartate
Excess nitrogen from the metabolism of amino acids in muscle is largely transferred to the liver in the form of: