05.15 - AKI (Canada) - PP Flashcards
3 Clinical Clues to ATN
(1) Muddy brown granular casts; (2) Urine Na > 20; (3) Fractional excretion of Na > 1%
Urinarlysis in Hepatorenal Syndrome
Usually normal
Urine Na in HRS
Very low (Aldosterone)
Urine in Acute Interstitial Nephritis
Pyuria +/- eosinophils
Effect of Aminoglycosides on Kidney
Inhibits normal lysosomal function, accumulates in PT cells
What can you do in suspected HRS to rule out simple pre-renal condition
Trial of volume (usually Albumin) infusion
Urine [Na] and Osm in Pre-Renal AKI
Very low Na (Aldosterone overactive), Very high osmolarity (ADH overactive)
Why is urine Na high in ATN
Necrotic tubular cells can’t reabsorb Na so excreted
___ can cause form of pre-renal AKI in patients with Bilateral RAS
ACEi’s and ARB’s
Main 2 Causes of ATN
Ischemic injury; Toxic injury from contrast or meds
Symptoms of Acute Interstitial Nephritis in most patients now
Only renal dysfunction
2 Therapeutic agents that cause Pre-Renal AKI
What does survival in Hepatorenal Syndrome depend on
Liver transplant
How to avoid Contrast Nephropathy
Avoid closely spaced studies
Acute Kidney Injury is essentially
Impairment of GFR
BP and ECV in Hepatorenal Syndrome
Decrease BP despite incr ECFV (decr ECV)
Histology of ATN
Tubular necrosis with denuding of renal tubular epithelial cells; Occlusion of tubular lumens with cells/casts
Acute Interstitial Nephritis is most commonly caused by
Beta Lactam Abx, NSAIDs
Most common cause of Post-renal AKI
Prostate disease
(1) Muddy brown granular casts; (2) Urine Na > 20; (3) Fractional excretion of Na > 1%
3 Clinical Clues to ATN
Worsening renal failure in setting of cirrhosis =
Hepatorenal syndrome
Must rule out what else to conclude HRS
NSAIDs, Nephrotoxic drugs, Contrast
BUN/Cr in Pre-Renal vs ATN
>20:1 in Pre-Renal; 10-15:1 in ATN
Why is Uosm high in Pre-Renal and Normal in ATN
High Aldo in Pre-Renal; In ATN, necrotic cells can’t dilute or concentrate so same as blood
Most common class of AKI? Second?
55% Pre-renal, 40% intrinsic
Calyce visible on renal US means
Obstruction of outflow
2 Aminoglycosides
Gentamycin, Topomycin
How do contrast agents cause AKI
Direct vasoconstrictive effects on arterioles; Also directly toxic
Usual symptoms of AKI
Usually asymptomatic and discovered on routine labs
Why do ACEi’s cause Pre-Renal AKI
Inhibit Ang2 which selectively constricts efferent arterioles
Oliguria is defined as
Less than 400mL / 24 hours
Muddy Brown Casts =
Management of Ischemic ATN
Treat underlying cause - Restore perfusion
FENa in Pre-Renal vs ATN
Less 1% in Pre-Renal; Greater than 1% in ATN
Timeframe of AKI
Rapid deterioration of kidney function < 1 month
Hepatorenal syndrome results from what liver disease
UNa+ in Pre-Renal vs ATN
Less than 20 mEq/L in Pre-Renal; Greater than 25 mEq/L in ATN
How do you prevent Aminoglycoside toxicity
Once daily dosing; Minimize duration of tx
Impairment of GFR (AKI) leads to
Elevation of BUN/Creatinine, Accumulation of substances/drugs normally excreted by kidney
Inhibits normal lysosomal function in kidney
3 Specific Types of Pre-Renal AKI
(1) Hepatorenal Syndrome; (2) RAS and Ang2 blockers/ACEi’s; (3) Other drugs that impair autoregulation (NSAIDs)
2 causes of Post-renal AKI other than prostate
Malignancies, Neurogenic bladder
ACEi’s and ARB’s can cause ___ in patients with Bilateral RAS
Pre-Renal AKI
Decreased levels or inhibition of Ang2 impairs renal ____
Auto-Regulation (constriction of efferent arterioles in RAS)
Dx of Post-renal AKI
Foley catheter, US
Uosm in Pre-Renal vs ATN
>500 mOsm/kg vs 300-350 mOsm/kg
As BP falls, kidneys are able to maintain BP well, unless __
Ang2 blocker interferes with Efferent Arteriole vasoconstriction (impaired autoregulation)
Urine output in AKI
Sometime decr, but not always
Hyaline casts are seen in what type of kidney injury
Pre-renal AKI
Most accurate test for Pre-Renal AKI
Fractional excretion of Na - If less than 1%, suggestive of pre-renal
U/A in Pre-Renal vs ATN
Hyaline Casts vs Granular Casts
Creatinine change criteria for AKI
Greater than 0.5mg/dL incr or incr of 50% over baseline
Most important cause of Intra-renal AKI discussed
Pre-Renal AKI is due to insufficiency of
Renal perfusion
Urinalysis in Post-renal AKI
How do NSAIDS cause Pre-Renal AKI
Block PG’s that dilate the afferent arterioles