05.06 - Proximal Tubule (Rao) - PP, LG, No reading, Not watched Flashcards
Symptoms of Glucosuria
Thirst and Nocturia due to Osmotic Diuresis
Phosphate Reabsorption is coupled to what in PT
What facilitates water reabsorption in PT
Leaky epithelium and High Hydraulic conductivity
Transporters for Mannitol
What drives active transport of Na in PT
Na-K ATPase
2 important luminal Na channels in PT
Na-H exchanger, Na-Glucose cotransporter
Protein excretion is high in what 3 conditions
MS, Hemoblobinemia, Myoglobinemia
VL =
(GFR x Pin) / Tfin
Only quantitatively important substance whose transport is directly coupled to metabolic energy in PT
Patient without Parathyroid will excrete ___ phosphate than normal
Primary role of PT
Reabsorb most of the filtered water and solutes
How is phosphate reabsoprtion regulated
Hormones: PTH decrease Tm -> More secretion, excretion
How is the Na-K ATPase the driving force for Na absorption
(1) Decrease in intracellular Na; (2) Decrease in membrane potential
How does inulin concentration change in tubular fluid of PT
Increases, no reabsorption
How is HCO3- pumped out to ISF in PT
HCO3/Na cotransporter
Anion transport in PT occurs predominantly by
Diffusion via paracellular route
Cl is passively reabsorbed in PT due to
Concentration gradient created by water reabsorption; Electrochemical gradient created by Na reabsorption
What favors Anion transport via Paracellular Space
Leaky epithelium
Mutation in what causes Familial Renal Glucosuria
Filtration and Reabsorption of Mannitol
Freely filtered, but not reabsorbed -> Reduces water reasbsorption and increases excretion
GFR x Pin =
VL x Tfin
When does Bicarb begin to be absorbed more rapidly
After transition from PCT to PST
What drives water reabsorption in PT? What facilitates this?
Osmotic gradient facilitated by leaky epithelium with high hydraulic conductivity (high Kf)
Substances that are freely filtered, but not reabsorbed, can increase ___ and cause ___
Increase osmolarity and cause diuresis
3 Causes of Glucosuria
(1) Pregnancy; (2) DM; (3) Familial Renal Glucosuria (SGLT mut)
Reabsorption of what ions follow Na to maintain electroneutrality
Chloride and Bicarb
Changes in Cl and Bicarb absorption from PCT to PST
Cl absorption reduced, Bicarb is absorbed more rapidly
Bicarb reabsorption requires
Active secretion of protons
What accounts for majority of O2 consumption by kidney
Sodium reabsorption
Result of Na-K ATPase activity
Driving force for Na absorption (Decrease in intracellular [Na], Decrease in membrane potential)
Which segments of nephron actively secrete H+ into lumen
PT, DT, and CD
Poorly permeant solutes can serve as
Glucose reabsorption across apical membrane is coupled to
How does Glucose cross apical membrane
Sodium-Glucose Cotransport: SGLT1/2
What percent of Bicarb is reabsorbed in PT
Threshold for Phosphate Reabsorption
Low, regulated by plamsa concentration and hormones
How does PAH concentration change in tubular fluid thru PT
Increases more than Inulin b/c not reabsorbed and actively secreted
How is urea reabsorbed in PT
Passively, but slow: only 50%
Effect of Mannitol infusion
Increases osmolarity -> Filtered -> Reduces water reabsorption and increases excretion
How does Bicarb concentration change in tubular fluid thru PT?
Decreases, high reabsorption
Where are Na-K pumps exclusively localized?
Basolateral membrane
Entire plasma volume is filtered __ times thru glomerulus each day
60 times (5 times for whole body fluid)
How does change in UF affect Urea clearance
Increase in UF increases Urea clearance
How does Inulin concentration change with distance from Glomerulus
Leaky epithelium of PT favors
Anion transport via Paracellular Space
What drives Cl transport in PT
Due to rapid Na absorption, luminal fluid in PT is 5mV more negative than interstitial fluid
AA absorption across luminal membrane is coupled to
Na gradient
While 66% of fluid is reabsorbed in PT, only ___% of Cl is reabsorbed due to ___
60%, due to active transport of HCO3
Chloride, K, and Urea are reabsorbed by
Passive transport
How do Organic Acids cross luminal membrane
Co transport with Na
Major solutes that contribute to isotonic reabsorption in PT
Sodium, Chloride, Bicarb
How do AA’s cross luminal membrane
Na-AA cotransport
How does Cl concentration change in tubular fluid thru PT
Slight increase due to Bicarb reabsorption
What proportion of Glucose is reabsorbed in PT
All, until reaches threshold
In PT, H+ secretion is mediated by
Apical Na-H exchanger (driven by Na gradient)
HCO3- reabsorption is preferred over __, and driven by ___
Cl-, H+ secretion
How does massive solute reabsorption affect osmolarity of tubular luminal fluid and interstitial fluid
Slight decrease in osmolarity of tubular luminal fluid and increase in interstitial fluid
What percent of AA’s are reabsorbed in PT
GFR - Reabsorption [+ Secretion] =
Rate of flow into loop of Henle
Rank in order of most absorbed in PT: Bicarb, Inulin, AA’s, Glucose, PAH, Cl
Glucose, AA’s, Bicarb, Cl-, Inulin, PAH
How is Na absorbed from tubular lumen in PT
Passively down apical membrane sodium channel