0428 - Oral cavity and tongue - EG Flashcards
What is the vestibule?
The area in front of the teeth, inside the lips of the mouth.
What is the oral cavity proper (boundaries)?
area bounded by the teeth, faucial arches, hard and soft palates, floor of the mouth (mylohyoid m).
What is the posterior opening of the mouth?
The fauces.
What is one of the first sensory events that initiates the reflex of swallowing?
The bolus of food coming into contact with the soft palate and uvula
What muscle lies under the anterior faucial arch?
palatoglossus, runs from soft palate to tongue.
What muscle lies under the posterior faucial arch?
palatopharyngeus, runs from soft palate to pharynx.
Which nerve runs along the internal aspect of the mandible?
The inferior alveolar nerve, a branch of V3 (trigeminal mandibular nerve). passes through the lingular and mandibula foramen and runs along the mylohyoid line of the mandible and out of the mental foramen as the mental branch.
Which nerve innervates the dentine of the teeth?
inferior alveolar n.
How many teeth are in primary teeth? From what ages do the begin to appear and stop?
20 primary teeth. First to appear is bottom then upper tooth (month): central incisors (6-7) then lateral incisors (7-9), cuspids (16-18), primary 1st molars (12-14), last is primary 2nd molars (20-24).
How many teeth are in secondary teeth? From what ages do the begin to appear and stop?
32 secondary teeth. First to appear is bottom then upper tooth (year): central incisors (6-7,7-8) then lateral incisors (7-8,8-9), cuspids (9-10,11-12), 1st premolars (10-12), 2nd premolar (10-12), 1st molar (6-7), 2nd molar (10-13), last is 3rd molars (17-21).
List the suprahyoid muscles and the nerve that innervates each.
mylohyoid (V3), geniohyoid (C1 via XII), stylohyoid (VII), digastric (anterior belly V3, posterior belly VII).
What nerve supplies the intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
List the extrinsic muscles of the tongue and the nerve that innervates each.
genioglossus (XII), styloglossus (XII), hyoglossus (XII), palatoglossus (CN XI via X).
Which muscle supports the weight of the tongue and tenses the floor of the mouth and what nerve innervates it?
mylohyoid m, (V3).
Which muscle draws the hyoid bone forward and what nerve innervates it?
geniohyoid (C1 via XII)
Which muscles elevate the hyoid and what is their innervation?
stylohyoid (VII), digastric (anterior belly V3, posterior belly VII).
Which muscle protrudes and depresses the tongue?
genioglossus (XII)
Which muscles draws the tongue back and elevates the posterior end for swallowing?
styloglossus (XII), palatoglossus (CN XI via X)
Which nerve supplies pain fibres to the sublingual and submandibular glands?
Which nerve supplies parasympathetic and secretomotor innervation to the sublingual and submandibular glands?
Which nerve supplies pain and parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland?
Which nerve supplies touch sensation and which taste to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
V3 touch; CNVII taste
Which nerves supplies touch and taste innervation to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?
Which nerve supplies touch and taste innervation to the epiglottis?