عبارات Flashcards
على سَبِيل المِثال (مثلاً)
for example
بين نارين
when someone is caught between two problems
العِلْمُ نُورٌ والجَهلُ عَارٌ
knowledge is light, ignorance is shame
في المقابل
on the other hand, in the opposite
مليء بـِ، ج. ملأى
full of
يُوَاريهَا التُّرَابَ
to bury s.o.
لعلَّ + (ه / ها…)
تَجْدُرُ الإشارةُ الى أنّ… / يَجْدُرُ بالذِكْرِ أنّ
it is worth pointing out that / it is worth mentioning that
ما يحلو لك
what / which is sweet for you (whatever you like / wish)
صَمَتَ دَهْراً وَنَطَقَ كُفْراً
to speak after a long silence only to say something stupid
ومن الراجح جداً
it is very likely
أَبذُلُ كُلّمَا فِي وُسعِي
I have done everything I can
كلُ ممنوعٍ مَرغوب
All that is forbidden is desired
نظراً لـ
نظرا لما وصل إليه الإبداع الفكري الإنساني
due to…
due to what human intellectual creativity has reached
تماشياً مع
تماشياً مع القانون الدولي المقارن
in line with
على لِسان
as related by…
نَزَلَ عند طَلَبِها
to come to a decision
مَنْ حَفَرَ حُفْرَةً لِأَخِيهِ وَقَعَ فِيهَا
what goes around comes around
Who bores a hole for his brother will end up in that hole
خَيْرُ الكَلَامِ ما قَلَّ ودَلَّ
the best words are short and clear
تبقى الحكمةُ الإنسانيّةُ واحدةً مهما اختلفتِ الأَلْسُن
Human wisdom remains the same no matter how different the tongues are
ناهيك عن
apart from…
اِبْتَسَمَ لَهُ الخظُّ
ابتسم لها الخظّ بعد أن حصلت على منحة دراسية
كان الخظّ يبتمس لعا لأنها كانت لطيفاً مع الناس
fortune smiles on someone
Good fortune smiled on her after she was granted a scholarship
Good fortune was smiling upon her because she was nice to people
أَبَدُ الدَّهْرِ
“ومن يَتهيّب صعودَ الجبال… يعِشْ أبد الدهر بين الحٌفر”
أبو القاسم الشابي
Eternally; forever; for all eternity.
He who doesn’t dare to climb the mnts should live 4ever amng the hollows
Lit.: He who dreads climbing the mountains, lives eternally in the pits
اجْتَمَعَتْ كَلِمَةُ
لقد اجتمعت كلمة الإعلام ضد
يهمّني أن تجتمع كلمتهم تحت القيادة كي
to join forces; unite; come together; have consensus upon; do something common
The media have come together against…
It is important for me that they should unite under the leadership in order to…