تجميعات مهمة Flashcards
baby suckling his finger ( has a viscles on her finger) what is the causive ORganism?
Hiv pateint develpo purple nodular rash on his face and sool what is the causive OR?
-Human herpes 8
infant in hospital had a server respiratory infection what the OR cause this condition and best drug to treat it?
RSV , Rbivine
how to diagnose Molluscum contagiosum?
Elecron microscopy
after transplantation the patient had a nephropathy condition what is the reason?
Reactive BK virues
girl with slapped check if her mom get pregnant what will happen to her fetus?
Hydrops fetalis
patient with rash, hepatoslenomegaly and the monospot test is positive what is the causive OR?
combo reagent in HIV what will detect?
HIV one and two AB and p24
case about infant had a gastrointestinal infection the OR structur is wheel ?
Rota virus
in the window phase ( the only postive test is )?
Anticore Igm
person decide to travel to egypt what is the vaccine he should take?
HAV vaccine
the cause of antginc shift ?
Gentic exchange in RNA between two strain
first line drug to treat TB ?
Isoniazid and tifampin
how to diagnose leprosy?
By modified Zehlin nelsen smear
case about enlarge in parotid gland ?
Mump virus
person exposed to bat what should doctor do to him ?
Ig rabies and vaccine
hemorrhagic dengue fever happen when?
Reinfection whith another serotype
type of rota vaccine ?
Pentavalent Human with bovine
vaccine for pertussis ?
case patient has myocarditis the ….. causive OR ?
most virus cause rhinitis ?
UTI with no discharge / the sample culture on CLED agar ( blue) and motile and indole negative what is the most likely organism?
Proteus mirabilis
infection on ear the organism is small in size……….
patient in hospital develop pneumonia the smear show NR bacteria that oxidase positive ?
Pseudomonas aeroginosa