اسئلة كتب و تجميعات Flashcards
You’re a public health epidemiologist who is called to investigate an outbreak of bloody diarrhea in 16 people. You find that it is associated with eating rare hamburgers in a particular( fast-food restaurant ). A culture of the remaining ( uncooked hamburger ) grows a ( gram-negative rod ) that produces a dark purple colony on EMB agar, which is evidence that it ferments lactose. Which one of the following bacteria is the most likely cause of this outbreak?
Escherichia coli
Your patient has third-degree burns over most of his body. He was doing well until 2 days ago, when he spiked a fever, and his dressings revealed pus that had a ( blue-green color Gram stain of the pus ) صديد لونه اخضر مزرق revealed a ( gram-negative rod that formed colorless colonies on EMB agar) . Which one of the following bacteria is the most likely cause of this infection?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
You’re on a summer program working in a clinic in a small village in Ecuador. There is an outbreak of cholera, and your patient has massive diarrhea and a blood pressure of 70/40 mm Hg. Which one of the following would be the most appropriate action to take?
Administer intravenous saline to replenish volume.
Your patient is a 25-year-old woman with pain on urination and cloudy urine but no fever or flank pain. She has not been hospitalized. You think she probably has cystitis, an infection of the ( urinary bladder. ) A Gram stain of the urine reveals gram-negative rods. Culture of the urine on EMB agar shows colorless colonies, and a ( urease test was positive. ) Swarming motility was noted on the blood agar plate. Which one of the following bacteria is the most likely cause of this infection?
Proteus mirabilis
Your patient in the gastrointestinal clinic is a 50-year-old insurance salesman with what he describes as a “sour stomach” for several months. Antacids relieve the symptoms. Aer taking a complete history and doing a physical examination,
you discuss the case with your resident, who suggests doing a ( urea breath test,
which tests for the presence of urease. ) Which one of the following bacteria does the resident think is the most likely cause of the patient’s disease?
Helicobacter pylori
A l oca l commu n i ty i s i n d i s tre s s d u e to a n a tu ra l d i s a s te r. Afte r con s u mi n g con ta mi n a te d wa te r, ma n y i n d i vi d u a l s e xp e ri e n ce n a u s e a , vomi ti n g, a n d d i a rrh e a th a t p rod u ce s tool s re s e mb l i n g ( ri ce wa te r. ) An e xp e ri me n ta l comp ou n d i s d i s cove re d th a t p re ve n ts th e a cti va ti on of a d e n yl a te cycl a s e a n d th e re s u l ti n g i n cre a s e i n cycl i c a d e n os i n e mon op h os p h a te (AMP). Th e toxi c e ffe cts of wh i ch of th e fol l owi n g b a cte ri a wou l d mos t l i ke l y b e p re ve n te d wi th th e u s e of th i s e xp e ri me n ta l comp ou n d ?
Vibrio cholerae
Your patient is a 75-year-old woman with a 110-pack-year history of cigarette smoking who now has a fever of 39°C and a ( cough productive of yellowish sputum. ) Gram stain of the sputum shows ( small gram-negative rods. ) There is no growth on blood agar, but colonies do grow on ( chocolate agar ) supplemented with hemin and NAD. Which one of the following bacteria is the most likely cause of her pneumonia?
Haemophilus influenzae
Your patient is a 6-year-old boy who is complaining that his ear hurts. His mother says this began yesterday and that he has a fever of 103°F. On physical exam, you see a perforated eardrum that is exuding a small amount of pus. Using a swab, you obtain a sample of the pus and do a Gram stain and culture. The ( Gram stain reveals small coccobacillary rods. ) There is no growth on a blood agar plate, but a ( chocolate agar ) plate supplemented with X and V factors grows small gray colonies. Which one of the following bacteria is the most likely cause of his otitis media?
Haemophilus influenzae