Year 11 Term 1 Flashcards
What happens to living organisms in the environment
They remove materials for growth and other processes these materials are passed along a food chain as one organism feeds on another all materials removed from environment are eventually returned and recycled providing building blocks for future organisms
Carbon cycle info
Plants and algae remove CO2 from air for photosynthesis carbon is incorporated into compounds (carbohydrates, fats, proteins) that make up plants and algae some CO2 returned to air when plants respire when plants eaten, these carbon compounds are then in their body and so on when animals respire CO2 released
Microorganisms and detritus feeders break down dead organisms in ecosystems, recycling materials which is vital in an ecosystem
Water cycle
Changes to water when it evaporates into the air. condenses into clouds and then precipitates down to earth
When water changes from a liquid to a gas when heated
Passage of water vapour from plant to atmosphere
Cooling of water changing from gas to liquid
Water droplets fall from atmosphere in form of rain, snow, sleet or hail
Water trickles through gaps in soils and rocks
Run off
Rainfall that isn’t absorbed by soil and travels to the ocean
Why is the water cycle so important
responsible for distributing water across the earth vital for sustaining life on earth by providing water to plants, animals and humans
Why is water important
Solvent, transpiration stream, osmosis, expands on freezing, metabolic functions, lubricant, support, thermoregulation
How does decomposition work
Detrius feeders/detritivores start process of deacy by breaking plant tissue into smaller pieces, increasing SA for action of decomposers which are bacteria and fungi that make things rot by releasing enzymes onto the dead animal or plant, breaking them down into soluble ones that can be absorbed by decomposers
What factors affect the rate of decay
Availability of water
Availibility of oxygen
Recycling kitchen or garden waste
Compost heap and put grass cuttings, weeds and vegetable peelings etc.
bacteria and fungi break down the material giving off CO2
once broken down, material used as fertiliser can take about a year to make
How do farmers/gardeners try to provide optimum conditions for rapid deacy
How does putting a plastic sheet over the compost waste, with tyres holding it down increase the rate of decay
Holes in plastic, allowing organisms to respire
Not too hot so enzymes don’t denature
cover holds in moisture but may need to water occasionally if dry
Warmth generated by respiring organisms
Aerated by pitch fork
Examples of where decay of microorganisms is useful
Compost heap
gardeners putting horse manure on roses etc.
farmers decomposing animal waste
in sewage works
What are biogas generators
Flammable mixture of gases formed when bacteria break down waste material
mainly methane but varies depending on type of bacteria and waste used
bacteria work best at 30*C exothermic reaction
variety of bacteria used