Year 10 The Nervous System Flashcards
Nervous system
Electrical impulses along neurones (nerve cells)
Endocrine system
Hormones (chemical messages) via the blood
What are the two parts structurally
Central nervous system inc. brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system inc. all other nerves e.g ulna nerve in arm and femoral nerve in leg
What’s a stimulus
A change in the environment which causes a response in the body that are five sense organs that can detect stimuli
Ears: receptors for and stimuli
Sound/balance in cochlea
Sound and balance
Eyes: receptors for and stimuli
Rods and cones in retina
Skin: receptors for and stimuli
Temperature pressure and pain
Temperature and pressure
Nose: receptors for and stimuli
Olfactory receptors
Tongue: receptors for and stimuli
Found on taste buds
What’s a sense organ
Made up of a cluster of receptor cells which are sensitive to a specific stimuli
Oder of the nervous system
Stimulus —> receptor —> sensory neurone —> CNS —> motor neurone —> effector —> response
A change in the environment which causes a response in the body
Any changes (stimuli) picked up by cells called receptors. Usually found clustered together in sense organs
Sensory neuron
Once sensory receptor detects a stimulus the info sent is chemical impulses passes along cells called neurones usually in bundles of thousands called nerves
Central nervous system
Impulses travel along neuron until it reaches CNS the cells which carry impulses from sensory organs to CNS Are called sensory neurons
Motor neuron
These cells carry impulses to make the right bits of your body. Effector organs respond
Muscles or glands which respond to the arrival of impulses by contracting
Muscles respond by contracting and glands respond by secreting chemical substances
Cerebral cortex
Concerned with consciousness, intelligence, memory and language