What do official measures of crime suggest about the background of deviant youths?
Youths from working-class backgrounds are much more likely to become involved in deviance and criminality.
What does Barnado’s show about children in the youth justice system?
Predominantly drawn from the poorest and most disadvantaged families.
What did Jacobson find when researching the background of 200 children in custody?
Found multiple disadvantages, with around 3/4 known to have absent fathers, half having lived in a deprived home and just under half having ran away at some point in their lives.
What did the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development suggest?
That socio-economic deprivation was a key predictor of future criminality.
Why is this viewpoint of deviance and class questionable?
It is debatable as to whether working-class youths actually commit more crime, or if they’re just caught more.
What has deviance and criminality from working-class youths become to police?
More likely to be visible and targeted by police and criminal justice institutions.
(Use Chambliss’ study to demonstrate this).
What do police surveys show about crime in relation to gender?
Overwhelmingly male activity.
What does Home Office data show about young men aged 10-17? What about young women?
Were found to be responsible for 20% of all police-recorded crime in 2009/10 and young women responsible for only 4%.
What does Campbell’s study suggest from self-report studies filled in by young people?
The difference is not as great as for adults, or as great as the official statistics suggest.
What does official crime data suggest about the peak ages for offending?
Girls = 15 Boys = 18
What does the number of women prisoners between 1994 and 2004 show?
The number of women in prison in England and Wales increased by 150%
What did Muncie argue about female crime?
Small rises in recorded crime created a moral panic about female offending and ‘girl gangs’.
What ethnic group makes up the overwhelming majority of crime and deviance?
White British background, as they make up the majority of the population.
Where is there a disproportionate number of youths in the criminal justice system?
Among African-Caribbean youths.
What do Home Office statistics show about young people from a black ethnic background?
Accounted for 21% of young people in custody in 2012/13.
How much more are black people stopped and searched according to Home Office figures?
Black people were stopped and searched 7 times more than white people in 2009/10 and 6 times more in 2006/7.
How much of the stop and search figures are made up by people from an Asian ethnic group?
How much did arrest rates among asians rise in 2005/6?
By 13%, the largest rise for any ethnic group.