What does Gilroy state about they identity of young black people?
They shared experiences of racism and powerlessness. Known as ‘Black Atlantic’.
What does Spencer state about white ethnic minorities?
People with ethnic origins from Eastern Europe face similar issues of resentment and racism, so they spend little time socialising with British people.
What do Cashmore and Troyna argue about ethnic minorities?
‘Turn inwards’ to support one another as a form of protection, therefore identity, culture and religion are strengthened.
What does Hewitt state about multiculturalism?
White working class communities see multiculturalism as unfair to the white community.
What does Modood believe about second generation ethnic minorities?
Feel they have more of a British identity than their parents.
What is national identity?
Often considered as the identity of the whole country. However, an individual also has a national identity that may affect how they see themselves.
What does Anderson mean by ‘imagined community’?
Members of a nation will never meet most of their fellow members, so actually national identities are socially constructed.
Why is national identity confusing for British people?
British and English identities can sometimes be seen as the same, but for people who are Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish there is a clear distinction.
What does Kumar state about the English?
That unlike the Scots, Irish and Welsh, English find it difficult to say who they are and English identity is vague.
What does Sardar suggest about national identities?
Global identity crisis. Old divides e.g. east v west have broken down.