What does Wilson state from a biological standpoint?
The need to reproduce requires men to be more promiscuous literally ‘spreading the seed’.
What does Parsons mean by ‘expressive’ and ‘instrumental’ roles?
Females have an ‘expressive’ role as caregiver. Whereas, males have an ‘instrumental’ role as breadwinner.
How is gender identity socially constructed according to feminists?
By patriarchal male-dominated society.
What did Hey state about friendship groups?
Among teenage girls and looked at girls behaviour. Norms and values placed on teenage girls are heavily male-dominated.
What did Mac an Ghaill mean by 3Fs?
‘Fighting, football and fucking.”
What is feminine identity?
Often related to a submissive or passive role often related to a lack of self-confidence.
What does Jackson mean by ladettes?
Refers to masculine behaviour, such as smoking, drinking etc.
What does Denscombe state about female-risk?
Young women want to be seen as anything but the stereotype of a woman.
What does Connell state about ranges of masculine identities?
Hegemonic is the most common (dominant and aggressive). Subordinate masculinity linked to homosexual males and marginalised masculinity.
What does Mac an Ghaill mean by ‘crisis of masculinity’?
Loss of the breadwinner identity with the decline of traditional male industries.
What did Canaan show through their research of working class men in Wolverhampton?
Studied those who were employed and those who were long-term unemployed and found interesting differences in masculinity.
What do postmodernists see gender as?