Y12 Key words for exams Flashcards
Short answers. If the question is out of 3 marks you’ll need to give 3 answers
Express in precise terms
Short answers. If the question is out of 2 marks you’ll need to give 2 answers.
Point out or give a list
More detail than state or identify. If the question is out of 4 you’ll need to give 2 answers.
Create a picture of words
More detailed than state or identify. Possibly even use examples. The number of answers required will usually be half the amount of marks. If answer is worth 6 then give 3 answers.
Usually has how or why.
Usually requires 3 or 4 answers. Good SPAG is required and correct use of terminology.
Separate information and components - say how they are related and how each one contributes to the topic.
Usually requires 3 or 4 points. Good SPAG is required and correct use of terminology. Strengths and weaknesses are often needed.
Review the information then bring it together to form a conclusion. Give evidence for each of your views or statements