XV Flashcards
taut /tɔːt/
1) stretched tight.
2) showing signs of worry, anger etc and not relaxed.
3) having firm muscles.
4) a taut book, film, or play is exciting and does not have any unnecessary parts.
محکم بسته شده
scandal /ˈskændl/
1) an event in which someone, especially someone important, behaves in a bad way that shocks people.
2) talk about dishonest or immoral things that famous or important people are believed to have done.
- رسوایی
- افتضاح
- تهمت
- ننگ
cadence /ˈkeɪdəns/
1) the way someone’s voice rises and falls, especially when reading out loud.
“the cadence of my mother’s voice”
2) a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements.
wrist /rɪst/
- مچ دست
2. مچ
slam /slæm/
1) if a door, gate etc slams, or if someone slams it, it shuts with a loud noise.
2) to criticize someone or something strongly – used especially in newspapers.
- بهم کوفتن
- در را با شدت بهم زدن
glamour /ˈɡlæmə/
زرق و برق
toil /tɔɪl/
1) to work very hard for a long period of time.
2) to move slowly and with great effort.
3) hard unpleasant work done over a long period.
noun 1. رنج 2. کار پر زحمت verb 1. زحمت کشیدن 2. رنج بردن
arbitrary /ˈɑːbətrəri/
decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly.
- دلخواه
- اختیاری
accuse /əˈkjuːz/
- متهم کردن
- متهم ساختن
- تهمت زدن
accused /əˈkjuːzd/ => متهم
verdict /ˈvɜːdɪkt/
1) an official decision made in a court of law, especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime or how a death happened.
2) an official decision made by a person or group with authority.
3) someone’s opinion about something.
- حکم
- قضاوت
- رای
- نظر
- رای هيئت منصفه