VII Flashcards
brag /bræɡ/
to talk too proudly about what you have done, what you own etc .
1. لاف زدن
association /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃən/
1) an organization that consists of a group of people who have the same aims, do the same kind of work etc.
2) a relationship with a particular person, organization, group etc
“his close association with the Green Party”
1) to make a connection in your mind between one thing or person and another.
“I don’t associate him with energetic sports.”
consortium /kənˈsɔːtɪəm/
a group of companies or organizations who are working together to do something
vowel /ˈvaʊəl/
حرف صدا دار
consonant /ˈkɒns(ə)nənt/
- حرف بی صدا
2. حرف صامت
literally /ˈlɪtərəli/
1) according to the most basic or original meaning of a word or expression.
2) used to emphasize that something, especially a large number, is actually true.
“The Olympic Games were watched by literally billions of people.”
take somebody/something literally :
to believe exactly what someone or something says rather than trying to understand their general meaning
1. عینا
tease /tiːz/
1) to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly way or in an unkind way.
2) to deliberately annoy an animal.
3) to deliberately make someone sexually excited without intending to have sex with them, in a way that seems unkind.
1. کسی را دست انداختن
2. اذیت کردن
append /əˈpɛnd/
add (something) to the end of a written document.
interpreter /ɪnˈtəːprɪtə/
- مترجم
- ترجمان
- مترجم شفاهی
latter /ˈlætə/
1) being the second of two people or things, or the last in a list just mentioned.
“In the latter case, buyers pay a 15% commission.”
2) the latter part of a period of time is nearest to the end of it.
“Celebrations are planned for the latter part of November.”
- دومی
- اخیر
- آخر
- آخری