X - Chp 10 Terms - Religion Flashcards
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collective conscience
The common sentiments and values that people share as a result of living together.
Refers to the secular, everyday world.
Set practices designed to connect people to the sacred.
Refers to the religious, transcendent world.
Objects that symbolize the sacred.
A bureaucratic religious organization that has accommodated itself to mainstream society and culture.
A type of religion that teaches that humans, animals, plants, and natural phenomena such as rain have souls. Animism accords the beings and things that populate Nature a level of respect that monotheistic religions lack, teaching people to live in harmony with Nature, not to dominate it.
People who interpret their scriptures literally; seek to establish a direct, personal relationship with God; are relatively intolerant of nonfundamentalists; and often support conservative social and political issues.
secularization thesis
The theory that religious institutions, actions, and consciousness are on the decline worldwide.
revised secularization thesis
The theory that worldly institutions break off from the institution of religion over time. As a result, religion governs an ever-smaller part of most people’s lives and has become largely a matter of personal choice.
routinization of charisma
Weber’s term for the transformation of divine enlightenment into a permanent feature of everyday life. It involves turning religious inspiration into a stable social institution with defined roles (interpreters of the divine message, teachers, dues-paying laypeople, and so on)
Groups that usually form by breaking away from churches because of disagreement about church doctrine. Sects are less integrated into society and less bureaucratized than churches are. They are often led by charismatic leaders, who tend to be relatively intolerant of religious opinions other than their own.
charismatic leaders
Religious leaders who claim to be inspired by supernatural powers and whose followers believe them to be so inspired.
Small groups of people deeply committed to a religious vision that rejects mainstream culture and society.
State-supported churches.
The degree to which religion is important to people.
The various streams of belief and practice that some churches allow to coexist under their overarching authority.