Chp 7 Terms - Race and Ethnicity Flashcards
A social construct used to distinguish people in terms of one or more physical markers, usually with profound effects on their lives.
ethnic group
Comprises people whose perceived cultural markers are deemed socially significant. Ethnic groups differ from one another in terms of language, religion, customs, values, ancestors, and the like.
An attitude that judges people on their group’s real or imagined characteristics.
Unfair treatment of people because of their group membership.
A disadvantaged person or category of people whom others blame for their own problems.
vertical mosaic
A highly ethnically and racially stratified society.
First Nations
Status Indians and non-status Indians.
status Indians
Indigenous people who live throughout Canada and are registered as Indians under the Indian Act, most of whom belong to a band that signed a treaty with the Crown.
visible minority
A government designation unique to Canada; refers to non-Indigenous people who are “non-Caucasian in race or non-White in colour,” including South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino, Latin American, Arab, southeast Asian, West Asian, Korean, and Japanese Canadians.
non-status Indians
Indigenous people who live throughout Canada and were once status Indians but lost that status.
institutional racism
Bias that is inherent in social institutions and is often not noticed by members of the majority group.
symbolic ethnicity
A nostalgic allegiance to the culture of the immigrant generation or that of the old country that is not usually incorporated into everyday behaviour.
The belief that a visible characteristic of a group, such as skin colour, indicates group inferiority and justifies discrimination.
Indigenous Canadians who reside in the country’s northern regions.
Canadians of Indigenous and European (usually French) origin who reside mainly in the western provinces and
The forcible removal of a population from a territory claimed by another population.
internal colonialism
Involves one race or ethnic group subjugating another in the same country. It prevents assimilation by segregating the subordinate group in terms of jobs, housing, and social contacts.
Involves people from one country invading and taking political, cultural, and economic control over people in another country.
The intentional extermination of an entire population defined as a race or a people.
The process by which a minority group blends into the majority population and eventually disappears as a distinct people in the larger society.
The retention of racial and ethnic culture combined with equal access to basic social resources.
split labour market
A labour market in which low-wage workers of one race and high-wage workers of another race compete for the same jobs. In that situation, high-wage workers are likely to resent the
presence of low-wage competitors. Conflict is bound to result, and racist attitudes develop or become reinforced.
The ownership and control of people.
The forcible capture of land
and the economic and political domination of its inhabitants.
transnational communities
Communities whose boundaries extend between or among countries.