Chp 5 Terms - Deviance and Crime Flashcards
Departure from a norm that evokes a negative reaction from others.
formal punishment
Penalization by the judicial system for breaking a law.
informal punishment
Mild sanction that is
imposed during face-to-face interaction rather than by the judicial system.
A norm stipulated and enforced by government bodies.
Deviance that is against the law.
street crimes
Crimes including arson, break and enter, assault, and other illegal acts that are disproportionately
committed by people from lower classes.
victimless crimes
Violations of the law in which no victim has stepped forward and been identified.
self-report surveys
Surveys that ask whether they have been involved in criminal activities as perpetrators or victims.
white-collar crimes
Illegal acts committed by respectable, high-status people in the course of work.
A process of negatively evaluating people because of a marker that distinguishes them from others.
restorative justice
Focuses not on punishment but on rehabilitating offenders through reconciliation with victims and the larger community.
labelling theory
Holds that deviance results not so much from the actions of the deviant as from the response of others, who label the rule breaker a deviant.
control theory
Holds that the rewards of deviance and crime are ample. Therefore, nearly everyone would engage in deviance and crime if they could get away with it. The degree to which people are prevented from violating norms and laws accounts for variation in the levels of deviance and crime.
recidivism rate
The percentage of imprisoned people who commit another crime, usually within two years after release from prison.
medicalization of deviance
The process of applying medical definitions to deviant behaviour, a practice that is becoming more prevalent.
The result of a culture teaching people to value material success, but society failing to provide enough legitimate opportunities for everyone to succeed.
moral panic
Widespread fear that occurs when many people fervently believe that some form of deviance or crime poses a profound threat to society’s well-being.