Chp 8 Terms - Sexualities & Genders Flashcards
A person’s sense of being male or female and playing masculine or feminine roles in ways defined as appropriate by culture and society.
Intersex people do not fit into conventional male or female sex categories. Often, intersex people do not have a sex chromosome that is XX or XY, and their genitals, reproductive system, and secondary sexual characteristics (such as breasts and body hair) are not distinctly male or female in the conventional sense of the terms.
gender identity
A person’s identification with, or sense of belonging to, a particular sex—biologically, psychologically, and socially.
A person’s sex depends on genetic makeup—specifically, on whether a person’s sex chromosome is XX (female), XY (male), or X, XXY, XXYY, and so on; the last listed sex chromosomes often belong to a person who does not fit into conventional male or female sex categories.
The condition of correspondence between gender, gender identity, and birth sex.
social constructionism
A school of thought that views gender differences as a reflection of the different social positions occupied by women and men.
A school of thought that views gender differences as a reflection of biological differences between women and men.
gender ideology
A set of ideas about what constitutes appropriate masculine and feminine roles and behaviour.
glass ceiling
A social barrier that makes it difficult for women to rise to the top level of management.
People who are uncomfortable with the gender assigned to them at birth or who do not fit neatly into conventional male or female gender categories.
sexual orientation
A person’s preference(s) with respect to sexual partners.
queer theory
Examines empirical mismatches among sex, gender, and sexual desire to debunk the notion that sex, gender, and sexuality are always highly correlated; emphasizes how changing social contexts influence sexual identities and the performance of sexual acts.
People who desire members of the other sex as sexual partners.
People who desire sexual partners of either sex.
People who prefer sexual partners of the same sex as themselves. People usually call homosexual men gay and homosexual women lesbians.
A norm that expresses a preference for heterosexuality.
feminist methodologies
Research methods that refuse to recognize men as the sole standard of scholarly judgment, instead seeking to include women’s diverse experiences as legitimate topics of inquiry and develop techniques of data collection that are appropriate to their subject matter.
Fear of homosexuality.
gender discrimination
Rewarding men and women differently for the same work.
occupational sex segregation
The concentration of women in certain occupations and men in others.
pay equity
Equal pay for work of equal value, or the equal dollar value of different jobs. It is established in gender-neutral terms by comparing jobs based on the education and experience needed to do them and the stress, responsibility, and working conditions associated with them.
hostile environment sexual harassment
Involves sexual jokes, touching, and comments that interfere with work or create an unfriendly work environment.
acquaintance rape
Sexual assault involving intercourse committed by a non-relative whom the victim knows.
quid pro quo sexual harassment
Takes place when sexual threats or bribery are made a condition of employment decisions.