WW1 Flashcards
What was diffrent off the bat about Wilsons presidency
Large shift, Different, Sympathized with confederacy, and second democrat to win
What was Wilsons view on imperialism
Anti, wanted our own colonies to use their own government, applied confederacy policy to imperialism
Progressive assaults
Triple wall of Privilege the tariff, the banks, and the trusts
Wilson view on Tariffs
negative; Keep the Rich, rich
What was Wilsons first win (about tariffs)
the Underwood Tariff; reduced tariffs of Taft’s bill and directly appealed to the people
16th Amendment
First Graduated income tax
What was the first percentage for the first top income bracket
7 percent
What happened to the main source of income for the government after 16th amendment
income taxes surpassed tariffs as the largest income for the federal government.
How was Income tax sold to the American people
Rates are low, easy to fill out, replaces the tariff
What was the increase like for taxes throughout the next couple decades?
Increases drastically
How did Wilson steer off the Gold standard, what was the plan for the banks.
FRB appt. by presidency oversee 12 regional reserve banks a measure of control over the countries money supply, all this with a federal reserve note
The federal trade commission act of 1914
Regulating anyone who engages in interstate commerce (3rd victory)
What allowed farmers to have loans
Federal farm loan act
What crippled the US merchant ecosystem
La Follette Seamen act of 1915 that allowed for a livable wage
What gave money to workers that were injured on the job
Workmen compensation act of 1916
Who did Wilson appoint
reformer Louis Brandeis to the supreme court
What did Wilson do to Jim Crow south
What acts showed Wilsons distasted for imperialism
Repealed the panama canal tolls act of 1912, Johns Act of 1916
What act allowed for Philippian territorial status and independence
Johns Act of 1916
What Hypocricy came out on Wilsons stance against Imperialism before the war
He bought the Virgin Islands from denmark in 1917
What is the diffrence between Idealist and a realist
Idealist believes mankind is inherintly good, Realist does not.
What did Wilson do that was questionable to his stance as a realist
Sent Marines to Hati in 1915 where they stayed for 19 years and then to DR for 8 years
What was happening in mexico before the war
Some sort of revolution
what was Mexico in 1913
Coup was in place and put Army general Huerta as president, leading massive immigration to America
Journalism response to Mexico Crisis
Hearst put yellow journalism about this to protect his land
What did wilson do in response to to takeover of Huerta
He does not like him so he goes to his rivals to give them guns
Who are Huerta’s enemys and what was huerta known as
Brute and his enemys are Carrnza and Pancho Villa
What was the result of giving guns to Huertas enemies
Carrnza beat huerta, Pancho villa was mad because they believed they got less help so they went to attack america and invaded
Where was the fighting of Pancho villa
Colombus new mexico
What did Wilson do in response to the attack of Pancho villa
Sent 15,000 troops to catch him but they dont
Tampico incident
US sailors were arrested in Tampico just for a payment and we responded by taking their entire port
Pancho Villa slides
Slide of him on a donkey with his amigos
- plane
- mexican cuisine
When did WW1 start and who were the sides
- 1914 started
- Triple central powers
- Triple Entente
- Otaman Empire Italy Japan all say they are neutral
What was the first entanglement involving US in WW1
British Blockade German exclusion zone and Germany hit one of our boats
128 americans killed in an attack and wilson did not do much and wrote a “ diplomatic protest”
1916 Sussex pledge
Germany No longer shoot unarmed passanger ships
undersee boat political cartoon
Election of 1916
Wilson wins all democrat south and midwest
Wilsons main campaign promise
He kept us out of war
Campaign of republican 1916
Charles “evasive” did not answer questions correctly
How did Wilson origonally approach the war
offers to negotiate peace with both sides based off of 14 “points”
What was the German response to the peace treaty
renewal of unrestricted Submarine warfare
What things push Wilson into war
3 things 1. Zimmerman telegrams
1. Germany wants Mexico to invade america and it leaks
2. US merchant ships sunk in march
3. revolution in Russian removes Tsar, now US can side with democracies
What prompted US to go to war
Decleration of war in 1917 by Germany
Why did Germany declare war if they were loosing?
Germany is loosing the war so they have to start blowing up the ships in the way so they just have to do it.
Why did US accept the decleration of war
Wilsons legacy, protecting democracy and idealist ideology
What is the Conscription Act
all males between 18-45 with no purchase of substitutes (Civil War)
Main functions and comanders of the AEF
- American expeditionary force
- John J Blackjack Pershing and commander
Just our troops?
What effect did gas have on the war
Wasn’t good for either side but mostly used by germany and there are a lot of slides on it
Second Revolution of Russia summary
Tsar Nicholas 11 overthrown in march and then the Bolshiviek revolution took place to over take the Overthrew Kerensky and led by Vladimir lenien in order to leave war
How did Russia leave WW1
The Treaty of Brest Litovsk
How did Russia leaving WW1 help Germany
they did not have to split up their armies
What was known as germany’s last chance
Ludendorff’s spring offensive
What was the Ludendorff’s spring offensive
They asvanced their armies very quickly; Germans attack at chemin des dames across aisne river.
What led to the massive advance in the spring offensive
- Tactical surprise
- short hurricane bombardment
- storm troops to bypass strong points
American response to the Ludendorff’s spring offensive
Allied commander Marshal Ferdinand Foch and rushed the American 3rd division to hold Paris
What was the Belleau wood
- Deepest German push into allied lines, first big battle
- USMC brigade led the attack on 6 June
- wood not cleared until 1 July 1st large scale battle 9777 lost but victory
St. Mihiel offensive
September 12. American Division attacked German salient Very large fight
Who led the Air force
Air force by Col. Billy Mitchell
What event showed that Germany was tired of fighting
Americans inflicted great causalities and captured 15,000 POW
Eddie Rickenbacker
- Leading American Ace
- Pilot picture
- 26 victories in only 6 months
Baron Manfred von Richtonfen
- Red Baron
- 80 kills in 2 years
- Triplane type plane
TR son
Quentin died cause hes a plane
Argonne offensive 26 September
US army coordinated with french with a Pincer movement; movie thing
Who was the hero for Argonne
- Sgt. Alvin York becomes US hero
- Congressional medal of honor for single handed attack on German machine gun nest and he captured 132 prisoners
Who was the leader for Argonne
- Major Whittlesey
- killed himself in 1921
Main purpose of Argonne
clearing Germans out of the forest and hundreds of thousands died
Armistice signed on November 11 at 11 o’clock and US man, Pershing said “do not do it” and they were right but so many died
- Ossuary at Verdun
- Ossuary at Verdun
- Unidentified remains of 130,00 French and German soldiers
Main US contributions to the war effort
- Food
- Munitions
- Loans
- Oil
- Manpower
- To help raise money to pay for the war the united states sold liberty bonds from Sec. of Treasury William Gibbs McAdoo
- Beat back the Hun with Liberty bonds
Balfour Deceleration
Great Britain declared they promised support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine
What was wars effect on the economy
boosted it, so when it stopped it crashed
Day light savings
Conserve fuel
Food administration
- conserve food because we supply a lot of it and Herbert hoover is the head of this
Role of women
Worked in factories and got the right to vote after that
What killed more then the war that happend around the time
Global flu pandemic 1918-1919 and it killed more than WW1
Last vet
Frank Buckles
Cher Ami
Bird that had their leg blown off and given a medal of honor
Who were the big four
Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Orlando
Wilson in Versailles goals
Was the only one who sent himself, goals;
- League of Nation
- No new colonies (self determination)
- Peace without Victory
What happened to the goal of No new colonies during versailles
The big four blackmailed him and then he had to make colonies
What was the phrase for Versailles
- Politics is adjourned
- “no republicans or democrats just Americans”
- He also did not take republicans
Clemenceau role
France; Dismembering germany; Said Wilson talked like Jesus and acted like Loyd George
What happened to the land of germany
France wanted to split it up - Then he wanted to annex the Rhineland and then just the SAAR valley
- France got it for 15 years and then a plebiscite determine its fate (voted to go back to Germany) and then it is demilitarized
Lloyd George
British not very important
Italian, Not relevant, wanted Fiume but Wilson did not allow
New states 7
Czech Poland Hungry Yugoslavia Latvia Lithuania Estonia
Germany slide
- Germany being led to her execution by the Big Three cartoon, baby class of 1940 sad because of treaty reading
War guilt clause
Told Germany it was their fault, Massive reperations, German military is severely limited through no air navy capital ships or u boats and not enforcable
First leauge of nations convention and who didnt come
Leauge convenes in Geneva 1919; SU or US
Why did america not go to leauge of nations
Was a adherence to idea of collective security in the League Charter, Wilson tried to get it passed along Mawith the treaty but they did not sign the treaty
Why did we try not to get the treaty passed
many people thought it was a horrible idea
What were the three groups in the senate
- Supporters= loyal Democrats
- Reservationist = Lodge
- change minor things
- Irreconcilable= Lafollette
- never going to sign this
What did wilson do to get it passed
he went on a nation wide train support
Economist John Maynard Keynes
- resigned from the British delegation said reparations would be a disaster
- his book had an impact especially in america that never joined league
What was wrong with the treaty according to machiavelli
took a middle ground
Election of 1920
- Warren G Harding
- Senator republican
- James Cox
- governor of Ohio democrat
Weird thing about election of 1920
Tennessee went republican