Progressivism Flashcards
What was the goal of the Reformers movement
Tried to better Modern society through fighting monopolies inefficiency and social injustice
reformers battle cry
strengthen the state
What was the use of government for reformers
agency of human welfare
What was Jeffersons ideas
small laissez faire national government
What led to the DE implementing of Jefferson’s ideas
Industrialization through large immigration
gained strength as social gospel movements
Corrupts journalist nickname
Where did the nickname for journalist come from
Dig as much dirt as possible even id very scandalous
he mother of trust as the standard oil company and a muckracker who wanted to destroy the trust
Who is Ida Tarbell
The history of the Standard oil company
What did Ida Tarbell write
corrupt cities and politicians; Shame of the Cities articles
Lincoln Steffens
attacked big business and politicians; Treason of the senate
David Phillips
the bitter cry of children; used Lewis Hines pictures as evideces for the Abuse of Child Labor
John Spargos
What side were the progressives
Not one side and did not like socialism and monopolies
How did progressives want to handle lower class
Prevent lower class uprising was to use the govt to make reforms that improve lives
How did progressives make it more democratic
power to the people movement; State votes for Referendums and recalls
Nickname for senate
millionaires club
Progressives for senate
progressives agitated for direct elections of senators and got it in 1913 with 17th amendment
Wisconisn and broke up RR and Lumber companies
bob lafoltttee
dead women
Triangle Shirtwaist company fire in new york; 146 died and bunch of photos
Where is TR from
Knickerbocker and descendent of the dutch
Head of conservatives;
Aldrich; Rhode island and led the fight against interstate commerce act
Women stuff
making progress in antiliquor and not much else
Womens Christan Temperance Union was built by
francis willard
What percent by 1914 dry states
why are half of states sill wet in 1914
immigration population
Kansas Cyclone
carrie nation
What did TR promise
Square deal with three cs
what are the 3 C’s
Control corporations, consumer protection, conservation protection.
How did TR control corporations
Appointed 3 men to the supreme court, only supervised not controlled, handaled strikes, watchdog agency
Who did TR appoint
3 men one of them being Oliver Wendell Holes who was progressive lawyer
How did TR approach big buisness
It is delectate and only is against bad trust and supervised it
What was the 1902 coal mine strike
workers wanted 9 hour work week and 20 percent pay raise and it caused an energy crisis that affected the workers, TR called both sides and arranges settlement after threatening US army. Gave 9 hour work day and only 10 percent pay raise
What was 1902 coal mine strike a precusor to
Russo Japan war
What is the Watchdogs agency
Bureau of Commerce and Labor in 1903 with new agency of Bureau of corporations FTC worked with business to undo trust
What was Standard oil response to Watchdogs
Refused to hand things over
Jp morgan and the Watchdogs
cooperated with US Steel but for Northern Securtied Co. they had to take them to court and they lost.
Swift decision
Gustavus Swift Beef monopoly was busted by court after overturning the EC nights precendent
What was the start of after Swift decision
If you used anything from another state then you have to follow the interstate commerce
What is Consumer protection
Protection of products like food
What act that helped with food was passed
Pure food and Drug act passed with support from ama and ladies home journal
Famous food book
Upton Sinclair the Jungle
What came out of the Jungle
Meat inspection act of 1906
Hepburn Act
Gave the ICC right to set max rates for RR and after this Telegraph and telephone rates also added
What conservation was there before TR
- The Desert Land Act
- acres cheap if you would irrigate it
- Forest Reserve act
First act of TR
- Newlands act of 1902
- sold public land and used money for irrigation
How much was the budget for TR and national forrest
125 mil
What club was founded to preserve the forrest
- Sierra club
- John Muir founded to preserve forrest
Jack London
Call of the wild and final frontier
What thing started that you hate
What reasons would a sitting presidency loose
- Controversy
- Economic Downturn
- Losing war
who did TR beat in first election
TR easily wins in 1904 against Dem Soc and Probhibiton
What nickname did TR get and why
TR the meddler because the industrialist say that hes messing the cycle and becaus eof the panic of 1907
What questionable thing happened because of the panic of 1907
money not backed by gold was starting to be produced
What was the election of 1908 like
Bryan and Taft and debbs as socialist
What did LaFollette start
ultra liberal and started progressive wing of Republicans against the old guard
What happened because of this split in the republicans
The party lost the midterms and lost the senate
What was TR preaching after he was not president
- TR making speeches touting and even stronger form of progressive
- increased power to to remedy economy and social abuses
How are you supposed to tell the parties from maps now
Whoever wins south is democrate
What is the NPRL
National progressive republican league and LaFollette is the leading man but TR decided to run
What is Taft in TR appointment
Lawyer and Judge of TR administrator
What does Taft do instead of Big stick
Dollar diplomacy by threatening of economics
what does Taft do to Trust
He bust so many of them, standard oil and US steel and that one TR already approved so he is mad
Taft on tariffs
To reduce tariffs, tried to in 1909 but failed because of aldrich, House bill to reduce tariffs was amended by seneate to raise tariffs, Taft Signs the bill into law because he didnt read it or maybe some other reason
Taft the Controvastionist
- Created Buearu of Mines
Ballinger Pinchot affiar
- Sec of Interior Ballinger opened public lands in Wyoming montana and alaska to development
- Pinchot- head of forrestery divison
- publicly critized his boss
- Taft Fires Pinchot on grounds of insubordininted Pation
- TR appointed pinchot and was furious
Teddy son
Kermit in africa
Teddy thrid party camaign
Eugene debbs in 1912
Runs from jail and political cartoon