1980's Flashcards
Reagan ran on what
less govt interference
when did welfare overtake army in spending
Main goal for Reagan
lower tax bracket
Assassination attempt
march 1981; not found guilty
Reagans best quality to pass things
great with congress
Who assisted Reagan in congress
Boll weevels
Reagan economics
Trickle down
Why did Reagan increase defense spending
because he knows soviets cannot do the same
Reagan nickname for soviets
empire of evil
What as Reagans ideals for negotiating with Soviets
only from position of power
Caspar Weinberger
planned to spend the SR into the economic ruin
first step to defeat the SR
build a 600 ship navy
- strategic defense initiative
- shoot down incoming nuclear missiles
Completely broke ABM
accelerated end of SR by 5 years
Poland solidarity movement
struck down unions
What made soviets look bad in 1983
Relations worsened when Soviets shot down a S Korean 747 passenger plane that inadvertent flew into soviet
Truck that predicted 911
truck bomber in Lebanon killed 200 marines
why did Reagan sent advisors to help El Salvador government
fight against Sandinista in Nicaragua
Island of Granada
medical school at the island with americans but also to show that communism will not stand with reagan as president
democrat 1984
Walter Mondale
weird things about the democrat 1984
first women vice president Geraldine Ferraro
Mondale Ferraro campaign name
America needs new leadership
Election Map 1984
worst beatdown
openness; criticizing the politicals
restructuring the economy; into some capitalism
banned all nuclear missiles from Europe
the contra
Reagan vowed to help contra rebels who were fighting the Sandinista in Nicaragua
iran army
all United states supplies
Why do we supply Iran with spare parts
Pays in cash for weapons and sent to contras
Reagan lasting legacy sup court
appointed the first women to supreme court
first women sup court
Sandra Day O’Connor
affirmative action
end skewing for race
Midterms of 1986
democrats Took back control of senate
Black Monday
largest one day point drop
1988 dems person
chose Gov of Massachusetts Micheal Dukakis as nominee
Bush 41 vp
Qualyle as VP because he is photogenic
result of pro democracy in east/ china
Chinese students in Tienanmen Square
1988 election map
dems got west coast not cali
When did Berlin wall fall
Berlin wall fell in December 1989
When did Soviet union fall
soviet collapse
split into 15 separate republics with Russia
first president of russia
Boris Yeltsin
Use of Monroe doctrine in 90s
Sent US military to invade panama
why did he Send US military to invade panama
- capture Manuel Noriega
- president and drug lord
Why did the US care about Kuwait
Oil supply held by terrorist and getting into UAE
Who invaded Kuwait
Sadam hussein
Operation Desert Storm
resolution demanding that they leave Kuwait by jan 15 1991
powers behing operation desert storm and who led them
- coalition of 800,000 troops from 29 countries
- USSR did not veto
- led by Norman Schwarzkopf
Who won operation desert storm
US destroyed them
why did the US not destroy Saddam huessein
Korean war remaindered them
Highway of death
killed 30,000 people on this highway
bush domestic policy
proggressive moderate
largest domestic policy act
Americans with disability act
What did ADA do
every single building open to the public had to be handicap accessible
Who did Bush appoint
nominated Clarence Thomas
who is Clarence Thomas
- conservative black judge
- Dem did not want him because hes conservative
what happened to clarence thomas
- Anita Hill accused him of sexual harassment
- Thomas said “a high tech lynching for uppity blacks”
1992 election
Clinton vs Bush
Bush campaign promise
no new taxes but he does not do that
Bill clinton ran in 92 with who
Why did Bush not win
Billionare Ross Perot ran as independent
Election map of 1992
line from NK to Texas and MN to Louisiana