exaM Flashcards
The homestead strike at the carnegie factory affect what vital industry in 1892
None of the above: oil, railroads, cola, banking
WHo was not a believe in socialism
Who said “show me a country where there are no strikes and I’ll show you a country where there is no liberty:
The Indian chief who led the Lakota Sioux against Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn was
Sitting Bull
The Massacre at Wounded Knee resulted in the death of
More than 200 unarmed Sioux
At the Chivington Massacre of 1864
US Army troops led by Colonel John Chivington murdered 450 Cheyenne Indians
Geronimo was famous for his resistance to forced reservation life. Captured by American military troops, he said, “Once I moved like the wind. Now I surrender to you, and that is all.” The next day he escaped from military custody. To what tribe did he belong?
Helen Hunt Jackson
Helped begin a national Indian rights movement with her book A Century of Dishonor (1881)
In 1866, the ___________ launched a surprise attack that wiped out 80 U.S. soldiers and came to be known as the Fetterman massacre
The final armed encounter between the American army and Indians occured in 1890 at
Wounded Knee
The Comstock Lode was
The largest silver mine in America
Which was NOT a boomtown?
Denver, Colorado
Who was NOT at the Battle of Little BigHorn?
Which of these is NOT a Southwestern (warm) tribe?
Which tribe was slaughtered at the Massacre at Wounded Knee?
What tribe was portrayed as the bad guys in our film?
Who was NOT in the new wave of immigrants?
The ____ formed in 1887 and vowed to protect white America
American Protective Association
The 1882 Immigration Law banned
Paupers, criminals, convicts
The 1882 chinese exclusion act banned all immigration from China until
His book “progress and poverty” influenced ideas about poverty and taxation and sold over 3 million copies
henry george
Civil war general lewis wallace wrote a book called _____ it was the uncle tom’s cabin of the anti darwinists movement because it supported the scriptures
ben hur
In 1892 the populists were defeated in the presidential election by
An imperialist foreign policy was supported in the late 19th century bu all the following EXCEPT
William J. Bryan
America seems to have entered the Sp.-Am. War largely
To aid the Cuban independence movement and to bring stability to the island
Which of the following is the least related to the other four? (geographically)
The Maine
Commodore Dewey
Kettle Hill
Santiago Harbor
Guantanamo Bay
The great naval theorist who wrote that America needed a strong navy, the Spanish commander whose mistreatment of Cubans fueled revolution, and the engineer who oversaw the completion of the panama canal were, respectively,
Mahan, Valeriano Weyler, Ferdinand de Lesseps
The Platt Amendment, drafted after the Spanish-Am. War,
Gave the US authority to intervene in Cuban affairs, as well as land privileges which led to an Am. naval base at Guantanamo Bay
America was spurred to issue the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine by Britain’s aggression towards
The US began to flex its muscles enforcing TR’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine when it sent troops into _____ in 1905.
Dominican Republic
An important political aim of the Progressive movement was to?
Stimulate democratic jobs for the unemployed
Which of these progressive political reforms would allow citizens to directly propose legislation?
The initiative
Which of these progressive political reforms would allow citizens to directly vote on legislation?
The Hepburn Act strengthened the authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission by
Giving it the power to set maximum rates that railroads could charge
The classic trustbusting decision of TR’s administration was Northern Securities (1904), in which the Court held that
A railroad merger in the Northwest was monopolistic in nature & thus violated the Sherman A-T Act
Gifford Pinchot, appointed by TR and fired by Taft was head of the
Forestry Service
To show he was a conservationist, Taft created the _______________
Bureau of Mines
The Jones Act of 1916
Gave the filipinos territorial status
Which of these countries did the US not send troops to or acquire in the WIlson administration
The Triple Alliance was composed of which three nations for most of the war?
Germany, ottoman empire, and A-H
The Triple ENtente was composed of which 3?
France, GB, and Russia
In March of 1917, 2 events happened which finally convinced Wilson to involve the US in WWI. One was the 1st Russian Revolution; the other was
The sinking of US merchant ships
The Sussex Pledge was a
Promise by Germany to end surprise submarine attacks on merchant ships
The treaty of Brest- Litovsk
Ended fighting between Germany and Russia during WWI
During WWI, the Committee on Public Information
Promoted public support for the war
During WW1, John J. Pershing
Commanded the American Expeditionary Forces
At the Battle of Belleau Wood, American marines saved
During WW1, Herbert Hoover
Was in charge of the Food Administration
What WW1 battle, first proved Americans could fight?
Alvin York
Was an American WW1 hero who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his single-handed attack on a German machine gun nest
In the Balfour Declaration, Great Britain
Promised support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine
He was the overall leading Ace of WW1
Von Richtofen
Georges Clemenceau
Represented France at the Versailles Peace Conference
Henry Cabot Lodge
Represented Great Britain at Versailles
- In the Schenck Decision, the Supreme Court:
E. said constitutional rights are not absolute
- The Saint Valentines Day Massacre (February 1929) occured during what administration?
In 1932 Hoover did try to stimulate the economy through the
The Bonus Army was routed from Washington DC by the army led by General
C. MacArthur
The League of Nations was first shown to be powerless in
A. Manchuria
Hoover’s good Neighbor Policy was most like that of
B. Taft
The novel most associated with the flight of Dust Bowl farmers fleeing to California is
The Grapes of Wrath
Her photographs of Dust Bowl victims alerted the nation to their plight
Dorothea Lange
Two members of the US Olympic track team were not allowed to compete in the 1936 games because they were