Gilded Age Flashcards
What does Gilded mean
Great on the outside but not on the inside
What was the major source of corruption in 1860s government
Spoils system
What is the Spoils Systems
Allows for Government officials to Elect their friends into office without any qualification
What caused the split in the republican party
Spoils system
What parts did Republicans split into because of the spoils system
Stalwarts Half Breeds and Independents
Fully Supported the idea of a spoils system
Half Breed
Wanted reforms on spoil system but not completely against it
Independent-spoils system
Fully against the idea of a spoils system
What presidents were in the gilded age
Who won 1876 Election
Hayes won
What did Hayes think about the spoils system
against it
Compromise of 1877
Hayes agreed to be president if he agreed to end reconstruction
1880 election winner
James A Garfield
What were Garfield’s ideas on Spoil System
Half Breed
Who is Garfield’s running mate
What are Arthurs ideas on the spoil system
Who killed James Garfield and why
Charles Guiteau because he was a Stalwart
Who ended Spoil System
What replaces the spoil system
Pendleton Civil Service
Who won 1884 Election
Grover Cleveland
What are the two first of the 1884 election
first ever democrat president, first time the running president did not get elected as the nominee
Grover Clevlands policy 1 term
opposed tariffs and favored large business
1888 elections who won
panic of 1883
What does Cleveland do about panic of 1883
Who signs Sherman anti trust law and when
Harrison in 1890
What does Harrison do in order to enforce anti trust
1892 election
Cleveland reruns and wins
1896 election winner
What led to our economy in 1865
Increases in certain products
What government factors led to the massive boom in 1900
- Tariffs on Steels from others
- Encouraged Railroad construction
- The Homestead act encouraged wheat and corn production by giving free acres of land to people who grew on land for 5 years
- Loose immigration policy
- no taxes on large businesses
Homestead act
gave people land after 5 years of using it
What boom occured in the late 1800s
Economic boom with the use of America resources and new technological advances
The Laissez - Faire approach
- Created by Adam Smith
- Least amount of government regulations
Horatio Alger
Wrote mark the Matchstick Boy and is said to work hard and pays off to make it wealthy
Russell Conwell
gave Acres of Diamonds sermon saying it was wrong to be poor
Gospel of wealth
Main Buisness people in the late 1800s
- Vanderbilt
- Rockefeller
- Carnegie
- JP Morgan
Sold everything to go into railroad business and became rich
Standard oil and controlled 90 percent of oil and was very ravager in his dealings
Scottish steel man who gave away money
JP Morgan
Banker who went into steel
Edward Bellamy
Looking backward and was critic of Lasiez faire
Critics of laissez-faire capitalism
small business
social reforms
Samuel Morse
Morse Code and then ran out of business because of telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
Telephone; Atandt
1882 built a power plant used DC power and was very expensive and didn’t travel far
George Westinghouse
Developed AC current and beat Edison to supply the country
James Duke
American Tabacco Co.; duke university
Northern Greed
Northern industrialist wanted to keep the south down keep as only source of raw materials
Lewis Hine
got pictures of kids at work and inspire government to pass child labor laws
Sherman Anti Trust Act
- intended to prevent monopolies but originally used by the got against trade unions
National Labor Union
- Goals higher wages and 8 hour work week, got it for federal employees
- was the 1st one to accept everyone (except china)
Knights of Labor
campaigned for social reforms like health and safety codes
- Who made the knights of labor
- made right after civil war 1869 by Terence Powderly
Why did knights of labor end
the Hay market square incident in Chicago where a bomb killed several police by anarchist in the group and this ruined their reputation
Who did Knights of labor accept
everyone except except liquor dealers gamblers lawyers bankers and stock brokers
The Pullman Strike
Eugene Debs led a strike against Pullman Co. that shut down Chicago-west coast
How did the US government make Pullman strike illegal
Attorney General Olney had a mail car attached to a train and sent train into Chicago and when striking workers didn’t deliver they said it was illegal
- American Federation of Labor
- Only took skilled laborers; led by Sammuel Gompers; took over Knights of Labors
Farmers union that pressured state legislatures to intervene to being railroaded into bankruptcy
Wabash decision
First real step to regulate commerce
1887 Interstate Commerce Act (ICA)
Congress can regulate Interstate Commerce with the interstate commerce committee