Imperialism Flashcards
John Hobson
Economist non believer of imperialism
What does Hobson believe
Under consumption and over production leads to Imperialism and the want for colonies as a source of buyers
What Does Hobson think is the solution to Imperialism
Paying higher wages to employees
Marxist Economist
What did Lenin think
Economic Deteremism and that markets fall and that leads caplitilist to seek new ones to dominate
What are the two types of imperialisms
Formal and informal
Formal Imperialism
Direct involves the actual takeover of the colony like Hawaii and Guam
Informal imperialism
mother country supports a friendly government like panama
Advantage of imperialism (more depth) 5
Adding colonies increases market, Reduces conflict because reduces unemployment, share economic profits, patriotism, and distracts from problems at home.
Justifications of imperialism
One main person and that is Alfred Thayer Mahan and the people for economic like lenin
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Wrote Influence of sea power upon history; said we need to have a good navy to be a world power.
What is the Great White Fleet
Large Fleet directed by TR
Samoa Crisis
Germany and US claimed both and they agreed to split the island but after the death of 2 Americans in a Chilean Fort threat of war and Germany had to pay Indemnity.
British Guiana and Venezuela
British was trying for Venezuela and Cleveland invoked Monroe Doctrine thus starting the Great Rapprochement
Great Rapprochement
Reconciliation between America and Britain in 1890 after tensions were rising due to border disputes in Latin America- talk problems out and have been allies since
Spanish Diplomatic Takeover before hand
Cubans have rebelled throughout 19th Century and S supported that
Why were the Cubans Revolting so long?
aboliton of slavery in 1878, revolts renewed by economic slump of 1893 due to a tariff
What started the Great Slump of 1893
America did not buy enough stuff
Why did we want to bail Cuba out
We wanted there crops
Jose Marti
led the fight for Cuba’s independence from Spain from 1895 through the Spanish-American War
Jose Marti slide
Large mustache white dude
Statue of Death of marti
havana Cuba and him on a horse
Slide Maximo Gomez
Cuba’s military commander in War of Independence and Grandad dude with larger statue
General Butcher Weyler
A Spanish General who tried to put down the Cuban rebellion by putting civilians in concentration camps so they could not assist the Insurrectos.
Butcher Weyler Slide
General coat dude and weird mustache
Randolph Hearst and Pulitzer
newspapers engage in “Yellow Journalism” and sensationalized stories about Spanish atrocities
US Maine
McKinley sends it to Havana Harbor on a fact finding mission about Cuban rebellions, it explodes and sinks and US newspapers exaggerate stories saying the Spanish blew it up
What was McKinley known as
Wobbly willy because he couldnt make his mind up on the maine thing; Choclate elclair because he has no backbone
How does this war unite the US?
it ends the “bloody chasm” and hard feelings from civil war because we are all united against Spanish
the anti-imperialism group in congress writes what…?
the Teller Amendment and adds it into the declaration of war
Teller Amendment
Legislation that promised the US would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish-American war
What was the first Cuban missile Crisis
Us blockade of Cuba
Why did we Blockade Cuba; What happened in response
they wanted to prevent Spanish reinforcement; We sent a 2 day ultimatum and the Spanish then declare war on US on April 24
What was the first attack on Spanish
TR ordered Dewey to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines and we sunk them, Manilia bay
What was needed in order to defend Philippines
Fueling station of Hawaii
What was McKinleys reaction of the Win in the Philippines
Suprised but not mad
What is TR position at this time?
Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Admiral Dewey
a United States naval officer remembered for his victory at Manila Bay in the Spanish-American War
What happened in the invasion of Cuba?
17,00 man invasion army went to Cuba and they stormed through Kettle and San Juan Hills and closed in on Santiago Harbor; Also landed troops in puerto rico
Rough Riders
Volunteer regiment of US Cavalry led by Teddy Roosevelt during the Spanish American War; TR resigned as Assistant Secretary of Navy just to fight in Cuba
What happened to the horses
couldn’t come so only TR could use a horse
When did Spain sign Armistice?
August 12
More US troops died from _______ than ________
rotten meat than battle
What influence did Spain have on US for World War 1?
They had a Mauser smokeless powder rifle that the US liked
Pact of Paris
US gets Guam, Wake, Puerto Rico
How did US get Philippines if it wasn’t part of the Pact of Paris?
paid $20 million for Manilla; TR said letting Filippinos run Philippines was like leaving Arizon to the Apaches (they were not technologically and economically able)
Does US abide by Teller Amendment?
YES, we do not annex Cuba and they get independence
Platt Amendment
the US slips it into Cuban constitution, says they need Us approval to make treaties with other countries, can borrow money in debt without approval, US has right of intervention, US has naval base at Guantanamo, treaty has to be revoked by both countries; Informal Imperialism. Still in effect
What is the benefit of the naval base at Guantanamo?
acts as protection to the eastern entrance to Panama Canal
Benefits of War
new world status, upgrading of diplomatic missions (ambassadors), end of “bloody chasm” between North and South with a slide with 2 republicans and democrates
Political Cartoons on Phipeans and imperialsim
10,000 miles from tip to tip and a one with Mckinley with a baby person and a spear supposed to be a fillipeano
General Joe Wheeler
Ex Confed general sent to Cuba to lead American troops. Said “to hell with the Yankees! Dammit, I mean Spanish.”
Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipino General who helped US take Philipines during Spanish-American war then helped Philippines gain freedom from US
Filippino insurrection
wanted independence from US, bloody guerilla warfare, between 200,00 and 500,00 Filippinos died and 4,200 Americans died (10x more than Spanish American War)
When did Filippinos finally gain independence?
July 4, 1946
Election of 1900
McKinley and Roosevelt (wasn’t his vice last term) vs. William Jennings Bryan
William Jennings Bryan (imperialism)
anti-imperialist candidate, “Lincoln freed 3.5 million Africans, McKinley re-established it (slavery) for 7 million Filippinos
the Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests
Queen Liliuokalani
What industries dominated Hawaii and pushed US to annex Hawaii?
pineapple industry and big companies like Dole wanted US to annex Hawaii because Queen had a lot of restrictions on business
How did trade work in China between imperial powers?
China was cut into spheres of influence and countries had their own area where they claimed exclusive trading rights and it was barley functional because so many people
John Hay
Secretary of State under McKinley and Roosevelt who pioneered the open-door policy
What did the open door policy prevent?
European and Japanese monopoly of Chinese trade; and fights/ breakouts of war
the Boxers
Patriotic Chinese militant group who killed foreigners and Chinese Christians; Nativist
Open Door Policy
American statement that the government did not want colonies in China, but favored free trade there
Panama Canal
needed canal to link oceans because fleet was going from Philippines to Cuba to takeover
Slides on open door policy with two teams against one boxers
japan and British
What is the main topic of 1900 debate
Why did Republicans want him out of New York
He fought Corruption and hated big business; tried to put him in a fake job of vice president
Political Cartoon of TR corruption
Then vs Now slide about hes smaller then bigger
What came out of the assignation of McKinley
Man was Executed and then the secrete service was forced to protect the president
Why did French not suceed in building canal?
yellow fever hit and mismanagement caused them to go bankrupt and abandon the project
Why did the US have a disagreement with Colombia?
Colombia wanted a cut from US for buying the project but they had already been paid by the French
How did Roosevelt continue to build the canal when the Colombians said he couldn’t?
He supported a Panamanian revolt against Colombia and recognized Panama as an independent country and wrote a treaty with Panama to build the Canal; He used his powerful Navy to protect and fear off Colombia
William Gorgas
American , doctor and Surgeon General of the United States Army who suppressed yellow fever in Havana and in the Panama Canal Zone, thereby making construction of the canal possible. Grandpa in suit
How many years did it take to finish the canal?
8-9 years
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
U.S. guaranteed the independence of the newly-created Republic of Panama and gave US canal zone forever
Roosevelt Corollary
Roosevelt’s 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force
Political cartoon of TR as president
one with him walking over the carrribean sea and one with him eying and standing on Great white fleet as the big stick
Political cartoon of Great white fleety
mopnroe doctrine at the end
people who were against the Roosevelt Corolllary said it was…
a “bad neighbor” policy
said “talk softly and carry a big stick”said “talk softly and carry a big stick”
Theodore Roosevelt
Where did the US intervene under the Roosevelt Corollary?
Dominican Republic in 1905 and Cuba in 1906
Preventative intervention
- Enter First to make sure the situation does not get much worse
- “Bad Neighbor Policy”
Russo- Japanese War
Russia and Japan both coveted Manchuria and Japan launched a surprise attack before declared war on the Russian Pacific fleet at Port Arthur in China
How did the US help in the Russo- Japanese War?
TR helped both countries to negotiate and end the war with a treaty. Negotiate at Portsmouth
Why is Japan enraged with the negotiated treaty?
it was a compromised peace between the two countries since no one won the war but Japan feels they were ripped off by the US (starts conflict with Japan that we are “out to get them”)
Root-Takahira Agreement
Agreement between US and Japan officially recognizing the territorial sovereignty of each nation and agreeing to honor Open Door policy
Why was the Root-Takahira Agreement made between US and Japan?
because war is in the picture between them and Japan was angry US took Philippines when they wanted it
American Exceptionalism
- Inherently different of other nations
- argued that the value political system and historical development is unique
- Destined to play a distinct and positive role on the world stage
- A lot like Manifest destiny
Letter from spain to the Us
De Lome letter