The Great Depression Flashcards
Who were in the 1928 election
Hoover and Al Smith
What did hoover believe in for his election
self help and tax reforms for farmers
Why was Al smith not that successful
against prohibition
What did Hoover do to help farmers
Agricultural Marketing Act and Raised Tariffs
Argicultral Marketing Act
set up federal farm board to oversee farmers cooperative to buy sell and store surpluses by hoover
Hawley Smoot
highest peace time tariff
When was the Stock Market Crash
Black Tuesday October 29 1929
How much money was lost in stock market
40 bil
4 causes of the stock market crash
- Overproduction in agricultural and industrial market
- too much credit buying
- Europe was too weak to help us and tariffs hurt
- Dust bowl in Midwest added to economic misery for farmers
Response to the market
Gov did not help much
Public works
Trickle down
Anti Junction act of 1932
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- Lending bank but to companies
Under Hoover
Norris- La Guardia Anti-Injunction Act of 1932
outlawed yellow dog contracts and forbid federal ct. injunctions against strikes
Bonus Army
20,000 out of work, hungry veterans of WW1 demanded repayment of differed bonus of 1945
The Paper tiger
1931 Japanese militarist in the army seixe Manchuria from China and Leauge has no response, encouraged by weak response, The Jap bomb Shanghai in 1932
Hoovers Good Neighbor Policy
- Hoover didn’t agree with TR interventionist take on Monroe doctrine
- Pulled US marines out of Haiti and Nicaragua
- 5th cousin of TR
- Gov of New York
- Married to Eleanor
- TR’s niece
- Pledges o a new deal for american people
- FDR promise balanced budget
- Just does not
What happened to the voting in the 1932 election
Blacks who were previously Lincoln party voted in large numbers for FDR
Hewey Long
Ran against FDR and was killed
FDR on banks
Bank holiday
Emergency Bank relief
Glass Steagall Banking reform act
Paper money no gold standard
Emergency banking relief act to make it safe to keep money in the bank
Glass Steagall Banking reform act;federal deposit insurance corp; to back up banks
Civilian Conservation Corps; Employed about 3 million people
Federal Emergency Relied Act ; created the FERA which gave out 3 billion to the states for unemployment
- Agricultural adjustment act/administration
- bailed out millions of farmers
- HOLC saved a lot of middle class families from losing their homes and bought these votes for the democratic party
Killed millions of pigs
overproduction and declared unconstitutional
- Work welfare
- We provide alms
- charity to the poor
Eleanor Roosevelt
Strong visible 1st lady; Slides of her with FDR
Frances Perkins
- 1st female cabinet member
- sec of labor
Mary McLeod Bethune
- Director of Minority affairs
- highest ranking black member of FDR
- National Recovery Administration
- Protects Labor Unions
- Blue Eagle symbol
- Philadelphia Eagles named after them
- failed in the end when Sup Ct declared parts unconstitutional
- Public Works Admin
- built Grand Coulee Dam on Colombia river in Washington state
Beer and Wine Revenue Act
Law passed allowing sale of light alcohol content 3.2 percent before repealed prohibition
Dust Bowl
350,000 people fled to California Farmers Blues
subject of Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
Dorthea Lange
- Photographed hundreds of migrant workers going into Cali
- Lewis Hines for farmers
CCC work after dust bowl
Planted 200 million trees to prevent wind erosion
Indian reorganization act of 1934
- Reverses Dawes act
- Preserves Indian culture by allowing the tribes to set up tribal govt
Truth in Securities act
sworn statements about stocks real value
policy watch dog of wall street
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- built thousands of dams
- provide power to underprivileged
- Called Socialistic since the govt was competing with private industry
- Federal housing Adm
- provided loans to house builders
- Led to the USHA
- loaned money to states for low cost
Social security act
- provided unemployment insurance
- federal payments to retired workers
- payroll tax on employers and employees
Wagner Act of 1835
created National labor relation board to help workers organize
John L Lewis
organized the CIO
Fair Labor standards
provided minimum wadge
King FDR attacks sup. Ct.
goes to congress and ask to appoint a new justice for everyone above 70; very bad and leads to him being called double crossing; bribed them to leave
Hugo Black
Appointed by FDR to be a liberal new dealer
mini depression caused by social security
Who does Fdr turn to for advice after 1937
keynes and he says print more money
Why did Republicans get more votes in 1938
depression was going
Why did FDR win in 1940
saved by WWII
Did FDR help with Union
Yes, 1936 36 percent were unionized
- Mr smith goes to Washington
- first to make fun of politics
- Wizard of OZ
- Snow White and the 7 dwarfs
Limits and Women and African Americans
NRA permitted lower wadges for women
second greatest boxing in the century
Joe Lewis Vs Max Schmeling
Jesse Owens
- 1936 Olympics and dominates
- 100 200 400 relay and long jump