Immigration Flashcards
What were teh main people that immigrated before 1890
Western European Protastants
What was the religion of most people who immigrated
What is an exception of protestant’s hold on immigration
Irish were catholic
Where did the immigrants go to
Formed little ghettos in north west
Who came after Western Eurpoeans
Eastern Europeans like Italians Croats Slovaks Greeks Poles and Russians
Driving forces 5
- Economic conditions
- Population leads to famine
- steam ships
- needed to get them over here
- pogrom
- attack against the jews
- potatoes help expansion of Europe and they get overcrowded
Immigrant picture
- carrying everything they own
- young and old do not immigrate
What did the statue of liberty say
give me your tired your poor your huddled masses
How many Public schools were there back then
6000 or so
What was the literacy rate back then
it was half or something
literacy rate of black people in 1890
50 percent
attacks against the jews
What is the reaction of immigration from gov
no gov assistance
who started social gospel movements
Jane Addams
Big Social gospel movements
Christian Socialist Jane Addams in the Hull House for immigrants
What did the Hull House do
taught basic english and skills
What were American Navist
Fought immigration because they were “natives”
What did the American Nativist worry about
Be out Birthed and lose there position of Anglo Saxon dominants
worried that socialist would influence over capitalist’s
What did the Unions think of the immigrants
Hated them because they would work for cheaper
What is the APA
American Protective association
What does the APA do
protect white American
Urged to vote against catholic candidates
How did the Governments respond to APA
Alot of acts were put into place
What acts did the government put into place against apa
- 1882 immigration Law banned paupers criminals and convicts
- poorest of the poor
- 1882 Chinese Exclusion act banned all immigrants from China not rescinded until 1943
- 1886 the Statue of Liberty arrived from France because of a 100 year alliance
West Indies immigration countries
Jamacia, Cuba and Puerto Rico
Why did Jamacia immigrate in large number
they could speak english already
Why did Cuba immigrate in large numbers
It was close
Why did puerto rico immigrate
its a us territory
Who is the main Christan Scientist
Mary Baker Eddy
Who created Christian Science Church
Mary Baker Eddy
Why was the YMCA set up
Help Urban Poor
What is YWCA
Women thing of YMCA
What happened because of Charles Darwin
split in reactions of church
Who were the accommodationist
belived evolution was gods plan
What belief caused a growth in public eductation
came out of the belief cannot function without properly if ignorant
What belief caused a growth in public eductation
came out of the belief cannot function without properly if ignorant
What else came out of public education and large immigaration
large numbers of catholic private schools
What gave the idea of eductation a rise
public education
What was the rivalry like between Booker T and WEB DeBouis
MLK and Malcom X
Who are called Uncle Tom
Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas
What happened to the literacy rate and why
grew because of public education and free librarys
Who helped public librarys
What happened to newspaper circulation
Who was in the buisness of the newspaper
- Joseph Pulizer
- William Randolph Hearst
What did Booker T washington open and what did he believe
- Tuskegee normal and industrial school and its like a trade school
- Created for economicly self sufficent was key to blacks to get rights
- Needed a base to eventually get sergergation because right now most are sharecroppers and borrow everything.
What was Booker T washington Critized for
Called Uncle Tom by people who did not live in the south and didnt understand that they needed a base
What came out of Booker T washingtons school
George Washington Carver
What was George Washington Carver known for
- most famous teacher
- an argicultural chemist who made new use for peanuts sweet potatos and soy bean
What were DuBouis studies
irst black person to earn a PhD from Harvard
What did DuBois believe
Complete equality in blacks
What was founded under Dubois
What werid law did Dubois ask for, what critizim did he get
Demanded “Talented 1/10” given full social and political equality
Booker T comes back at him and calls him a Hypocrite from that because its only blacks like him that get a boost
What is Womens Suffrage about
The Right to vote
What was the first orginizaton for womens right
National American Women Suffrage Association
Who founded National American Women Suffrage Association
Elizabeth Cady Staton and Susan B Anthony
What did the Women of Elizabeth Cady Staton and Susan B Anthony era do
nothing for womens rights
Who tookover after the attempts of Elizabeth Cady Staton and Susan B Anthony
Carrie Chapman Catt
What was the ideas of Carrie Chapman Catt
Slow Gradualism like Booker T
What acts helped public college
Morill and Hatch act
What did the Morill and Hatch act do
grant of public lands to build new colleges and universites
What types of colleges were improved through the grant of hatch act
Texas AM Ohio state Auburn all made from this, Noter dame not
What did Pastures discovery lead to
death of beards
What did Pasture discover
Who lead to the Temprance movement
What nick name did rum get
demon rum
Who made the Womens Cristans temperance movement
Francies willard
Kansas Cyclone
- Carrie NationPhysically attacks bar and uses hatchet to smash it.
Mark Twain
- Adventures of Tom sawyer
- Huckleberry finn
Stepen crane
The red badge of courage (slide)
Jack London
- The call of the wild
- Turner Thesis
General Lewis Wallace
Ben Hur: A tale of the Christ
Ben Hur: A tale of the Christ
General Lewis Wallace Anti Darwanism Uncle toms
Who created basketball and where was work
James Naismith at YMCA
What was the first bike and what replaced it
A large bike that was stupid and Saftey bike replaced it
Whowas the heavyweight champ
James Corbett
Barnum and bailey
first football team coach
Walter camp first all american