wrong oct14 Flashcards
what breast cancer has the dimpling feature/histology
Invasive ductal carcinoma/disorganized nests of glandular cells w/fibrosis
peau d’orange is what breast cancer/histology
inflammatory breast cancer(subtype of Invasive ductal) Ductal cells blocking
dermal lymphatics
onchocerciasis is caused by what/trt
fliarial nematode oncho volvulus(blackfly) IVERMECTIN
SS onchocerciasis
hyperpigmentation, nontender inguinal lymphadenopathy.
Trichuriasis can cause what
rectal prolapse( mucoid or bloody diahrea anemia
describe the histo for polyarteritis nodosa
transmural infla w/fibrinoid necrosis
lead pipe sign on descending colon is ass w/
ulcerative colitis
colorectal carcinoma is mostly found
rectosigmoid on the lft
what type of histo is HPV16 vocal chords
stratifies squamous epi w/mucousserous gland
what test do use for CD
bEVacizumab moa/use
anti-VEGF SE: choroidal neovascularization( blindness in age related macula degenaration
what can increase in cholestyramine/colestipol
acute pancreatitis can lead to what pulmonary problem
ARDS( which can cause alveolocapillary membrane leakage
IL-5 is secreted by
Th2 & mast cells promotes proliferation and activation of eosinophils b cells
describe the histo for juxtaglomerular(renin) tumor
pleomorphic modified smooth muscle cells
how does NRTI effect DNA
it prevents elongation
how do you diagnose biliary atresia
increase direct bili, pale stools, increase yGGT
what’s effected in osgood schlatter
quadriceps, tibial tuberosity, patellar lig
what’s the initial diagnostic test for asthma
test w/high Sensitivity are used for ?
Screening(cuz it rules out)
the phrenic nerve provides motor/sensory to what
diaphragm, pericardium
gono arthritis SS
polyarthralgia, elevated body temp, rash, cloudy fluid, increased wbc
what test is best for confirming Lyme
PCR but screen w/ ELISA-then western
what’s the triad of reactive arthritis
conjuctivitis, urethritis, migratory arthritis
what is reactive arthritis
immune mediated condition that occurs 1-4 wks after bacterial infection(GI,URINARY) shigella, yersinia, salmonella, camp, chlamydia
what cells do menigiomma arise from
acrahnoid cells they also hv psamomma bodies(whilrworld pattern)
what’s the time frame for proliferative phase(wound healing)
3-7 days(fibroblast, angiogenis, type3 collagen, endo cells, keratinocytes, macro, myofibroblast
criteria for schizoaffective
schizo w/mjr mood disorder
steptococol pneumo/neisseria has what type of def.
C3(c3b opsonization)
defect in MAC hav supcetibility w/what
Niserria menin
after an MI(1-3 days) what shows up, what occurs, complications
Neutrophils, extensive coagulative necrosis, FIBRINOUS PERICARDITIS
ALP is a marker for what
bone mineralization(osteoblast)
damage to what can cause pie in the floor(lft lower homonymous quad)
rt dorsal optic radiation
what’s polyethylene glycol and what metabolite does it effect what kind of wave on ekg
laxative causes hypokalemia(U wave)
what’s the only gram+ that has endotoxin
what causes the destruction on all gram -
what art supplies the anteroseptal/anterolat of heart
LAD(can be determine as rupture of chordinae(pap muscle after MI)
SE of hydroxychloroquine
paracentral scotoma(difficulty reading, color deficits)
trt for mild psoriasis
vit D (calcipotriene) w corticosteriod