Worldview and Apologetics Final Flashcards
eight tenets of progressive Christianity
Jesus is a model for living more than someone to worship
There are many ways to God/truth
Unity/inclusiveness is prized above doctrinal truth
Moralism is more important than morality
Relativism is the basis for core beliefs. Absolutes are rejected
Social justice is a mission of the church
Environmental activism is a core “Christian” value
Self-help is emphasized over spiritual growth
5 indicators that your church is becoming progressive
lowered view of the Bible
Feelings are emphasized over facts
Essential Christian doctrines are open for reinterpretation
Historic terms are redefined
The heart of the Gospel message shifts from sin and redemption to social justice
God’s communication about Himself should be
understandable, available, and consistent
what is the basis of communication
communication without availability is
the Bible is
understandable, available, consistent
based on historical, cultural, spiritual, content
the Bible is ____, _____, and _____ accurate
The Bible is externally consistent
the Bible is internally consistent
three types of inspiration
verse for verbal, plenary, and sufficient inspiration
2 Timothy 3:16-17
process by which God’s word is given
plenary means
the Bible is profitable
God’s word is eternal
Psalm 119:89-91
God’s word is permanent
Isaiah 40:8
God’s word is preserved accurately and completely
Matthew 5:18
group of Jewish sect and dedicated themselves to copying the texts
the Bible is accurate in everything it claims
God cannot make a mistake
The Bible is God’s Word
The Bible cannot contain mistakes
Logical argument
faulty arguments of the logical argument
human being make mistakes
the Bible is written by human beings
the Bible contains mistakes
Jesus was a human being
Human beings sin
Jesus sins
a way of thinking and behaving based upon God’s revelation that provides a filter through which every idea is evaluated, and every experience is interpreted
biblical worldview
answers where did we come from and why am I here
answers whats wrong with the world
corruption (the fall)
answers whats the solution
redemption (grace)
answers whats the solution
restoration (glory)
identity, purpose, and value comes from
ability to be intentional
righteous anger; jealous; grieving
man has free will
free will
God created man is His own image in 5 ways
free will
interaction with the physical world
exaltation/praise/acknowledgment of God’s divine attributes that places Him above His creation
God created man in His own image to glorify him
by valuing his creation
through praise
with our bodies
through work
through rest
through stewardship of his creation
anything in creation that does not express, or which is contrary to, the holt character of the Creator; to miss the mark
sin is not
sin began with
why did God put the tree in the garden
God created man with free will
Choice is one of the greatest privileges human beings have
Without options, there is no choice
the origin of evil
God did not create evil
evil is not a result of sin and the sin curse
sinful actions
moral evil
natural disasters
natural evil
freak accidents
random tragedies
may include all the above
God’s righteous judgment
the problem of evil
if God is good then he would not allow evil
if God is omniscient, God knows all that is evil and how to prevent it
if God is omnipotent, God can prevent all the evil He knows about and desires to prevent
since evil exists, God is either not good, not omniscient, not omnipotent, or non-existent
we suffer because of the sinful choices of others
moral evil
we suffer because sin has corrupted God’s creation
natural evil