World War II Flashcards
Yalta Conference
Meeting in Yalta, USSR
Between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin in 1945
Made critical des idioms about the future of postwar Europe
Divided Germany into 4 zones, with democracy (USSR’s failure to adhere to this would bring more conflict)
USSR agreed to join the US in war vs. Japan after Germany surrendered (their participation was crucial but in the process they seceded Korea, Manchuria, and parts of Mongolia- beginning of the iron curtain)
-Criticized because:
1. The USSR did NOT promise to go to war with Japan immediately
2. FDR was near death
3. All the countries liberated by the USSR would remain temporarily under USSR control
American foreign policy in the 1920s-30s based on the belief that it was in the best interest of the US not to become,involved in foreign conflicts that did not directly threaten American interests
Ex. America First Committee
Bataan Death March
After the Japanese landed in the Philippines in 1942
75K Americans and Filipinos forced to endure a 60mi march
10K died
NOT a reason for hatred of Japan during WWII (because most Americans didn’t know about it)
Manhattan Project
Secret project to build an atomic bomb
Began in Los Alamos, NM in 1942 and first success was in 1945
Led by J. Robert Oppenheimer
German scientists (Albert Einstein) who fled to America convinced them that the nazis were making one (even thought hey new the had dead-ended)
Rosie the Riveter
Figure that symbolized American working women during WWII
After the war, women were expected to return to more traditional roles
Double V Campaign
Popularized by American black leaders during WWII
Double victory: 1. Over Germany and Japan 2. Racial prejudice in the US
Internment Camps
Mandatory resettlement camps for Japanese-Americans from America’s west coast
Executive order by FDR
Ruled legal by the Supreme Court with the Korematsu vs. the US case
Neutrality Acts
- 1935: US would not trade arms with countries that went to war for 6mo.s; EST. CASH AND CARRY
- 1939: forbid the sale of arms to countries at war (designed to only help Britain and France- they could “borrow” US destroyers)
The Middle East in the interwar era
Preciously minimal involvement by the US because of anti-disillusionment and isolationism and romanticized by Americans like T. E. Lawrence
France aphid Syria and Lebanon
British controlled Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine
US began to look into oil in the region and gradually increased its dependency- est. ports in Iran after WWII
Lend-Lease Act
While US was “neutral”
Promised to lease aid and arms to the allies (but it did state that they could be payed back after the war)
Made the US an “arsenal for democracy”
Atlantic Charter
Drawn up by FDR and Churchill off the coast of Newfoundland while the US was still “neutral”
Agreed to fight for democracy
1. Opposed territorial expansion of either country
2. Pro free trade and self-determination
3. Wanted to replace the LN
FDR promised to ship lend-lease products all the way to Iceland
Japanese imperialism
Wanted Manchuria
Invasion of China made the US est. an embark against Japan
Japan desperately needed oil but the US wanted them to leave China first
All led up to the invasion of Pearl Harbor
Attack on Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941 “the day that shall live in infamy”
Made the US declare war on Japan the next day and then war of Germany and Italy on 12-11-41 because of Japan’s Tripartite Pact with them
Most of the navy was intact
Revenue Act
Greatly expanded the number of Americans who had to pay federal income tax
Funding for WWII
Opposed by the American Liberty League (rich republicans)
June 6, 1944 on Normandy
Major losses at Omaha Beach
Pushed Germans out of France by August
Battle of the Bulge
Last major German offensive battle
At Belgium lines
Gen. Payton’s army forced Germany to retreat
Made Germans realize their defeat was imminent
Hitler’s “final solution” to get rid of the Jews
6million Jews were killed
For “lebansraum”
Led to the creation of Israel
Battle of the Coral Sea
First decisive American victory over Japan
Used aircraft s for offense and a
Ships for defense (over Australia)
Japan never planned an attack on Australia after that
Battle of Midway
Aircrafts were MVP
Turning point for the Americans in the pacific
Demonstrated how American industrialism played as greater and greater role in battle because Americans could simply produce more planes than the Japanese could
Island hopping
US attacked key Japanese strongholds by air and sea as marines pushed around them
Kamikaze pilots
Japanese suicide bombers
Showed that the Japanese would die before they’d surrender
Reason for Truman to use the atomic bomb
Enola Gay
Dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Forced Japan to surrender
Last time nuclear weapons were used
Nye commission
Promoted isolationism
Blamed America’s involvement in WWI on greedy “merchants of death”
Americans continued to crave diversions during WWII and went in large numbers to see….
Auto racing