The Great Depression And The New Deal Flashcards
Dust Bowl
Severe drought and poor arming practices
Massive dust storms
60% of farmers ruined
Caused migration westward
Influenced John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath
Settlements of shacks found on the outskirts of many American cities beginning
Hoover didn’t do much to help the poor during the Great Depression (sparked voluntarism)
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Tariff act that imposed severe tariff on all incoming goods
European countries responded with their own high tariffs
Did LITTLE to help the American economy
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal agency est. during the “First 100 Days” of the New Deal in an effort to halt panic of closing banks
Insures bank deposits of individual citizens
Civilian Conservation Corps
Est. with New Deal
Employed 2.5 million men in forest and conservation programs
National Industry Recovery Act
New Deal legislation requiring owners and labor unions in various industries to agree upon hours, wages, and prices
Result: wages did go up for many workers but so did prices
Tennessee Valley Authority
Agency created in the New Deal to oversee the construction of dams, providing electricity and flood control for many in the TN River Valley
Workers Progress Administration
WPA New Deal program Employed 8million Americans Included construction of schools and roads Even employed artists and musicians
Wagner Act
Critical piece of New Deal legislation that protected the right of workers to form unions and utilize collective bargaining
Est. the National Labor Relations Board to enforce its demands
Social Security Act
New Deal
Provided pensions for workers reaching retirement age (65)
Both workers and employers pay into the fund that provides this benefit
Originally did not cover farmers or domestic workers
New Deal Coalition
Est. by FDR
Kept Democratic Party in power from 30s-60s
Consisted of workers in American cities , voters in the South, labor unions, and blacks
*shift of black majority from republicans to democrats
Scottsboro Boys
9 black defendants on a famous 1931 case
They were accused of raping two white women on a train
Sentenced to death, despite lack of evidence
Defended by the American Communist Party
Roots of the Great Depression
- Agriculture probs: farmers were unable to pay off loans, aid was vetoed by Coolidge
- Installment buying (thanks consumerism)
- Uneven distribution of wealth
- Stock market: crashed Oct. 29 because of excess speculation and buying stocks “on the margin”
How the stock market crash caused the Great Depression
- Bank closings increased
- Income fell for industrialists (nearly 25% were unemployed by ‘33)
- Effect on the world: economy crashed for German since US demanded that they’d pay off all of their loans from WWI (led to the rise of Hitler)
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Authorized by Hoover
Aided business and railroads
Prevented banks from failing
Didn’t do much for the common man
Bonus Army
Appeared in Washington in 1932
Demanded aid for unemployed WWI veterans
Hoover removed them with the military led by MacArthur with tear gas
Eleanor Roosevelt
FDR’s legs
Pushed for reforms and better working conditions for women workers
New Deal
FDR’s promise to experiment with reform to end the Great Depression
Unlike Hoover
American Liberty League
Thought the New Deal went too far
Led by Al Smith and other businessmen
Mostly rich republicans
Dr. Francis Townsend
Demagogue during the 1920s
Proposed Old Age Pension Plan: old ppl would get 200$ a month
Wanted to out more money to circulation
Most vicious opponents of the New Deal
- Father Charles Coughlin: fame through the radio; demise was his radical anti-Semitic beliefs
- Huey Long: gov. of LA; est. the most ruthless political machine of the South; “share the wealth”
Both showed that many Americans felt that the government should do more to end the problems associated with the Great Depression
Justice Reorganization
FDR’s attempt to add additional justices to the Supreme Court
1 for every justice over 70 that wouldn’t retire
Made FDR lose support
FDR didn’t get his way but the Supreme Court did start ruling in favor of his views
Congress of Industrial Organization
Goal: organize UNSKILLED factory and textile workers
Members were usually on the front lines of strikes