The British Empire In America: Growth And Conflict Flashcards
Navigation acts
Passed by British parliament increasing dependence of colonies on English for trade
Increased resentment in America
Not strictly enforced
Economic system in Europe in the lat 1600s stating that economic self sufficiency was crucial
Resulted in the establishment of colonies for raw materials
Middle passage
Voyage taken by african slaves on horribly overcrowded ships
Salutary neglect
Early 1700 British policy relaxing the strict enforcement of trade policies in the American colonies
Charles II
Wanted to increase Britain’s trade at the expense of the Dutch
Got parliament to pass the Navigation Acts (stated that sugar, tobacco, and indigo could only go to England AND made all forge in goods pass through England taxation before going to America)
Dominion of New England
England’s response to MA’s disobedience of Navigation Laws (because Dutch goods were cheaper)
Invalidated colonial charters from NJ to ME
Leader: Sir Edmund Andros
Bacon’s Rebellion
Attack of landless whites (former indentured servants) on Sir William Berkeley over efforts for peace with Indians
Bitterness over Berkeley’s propriety when Navigation laws sky rocketed the price of tobacco
Wanted to take Indian’s land
Ended with death of Nathaniel Bacon
Resulted in limited power of royal governor by VA gentry and increased slave trade
Beginning influx of slavery in colonial America
First in VA because cultivation on tobacco required a lg. amount of workers
Fewer englishmen emigrated as indentured servants because of increased prosperity
Few legal differences
Price of slaves decreased when Dutch slave monopoly ended
Slave culture
Developed as slave ownership increased
Combined African, European, and local traditions
Combined Christianity with a unique religious culture
Stono rebellion
Slave rebellion in SC (where slavery was the most brutal)
Increased brutality of slave treatment
The glorious revolution
England dethroned James II
Replaced by William and Mary (catholic)
Colonies tried to get a looser grip on America
- resulted in Protestant revolts (Ex. Leisler revolt)
Will and Mary wanted tight grip on colonies
BUT Dominion of New England ended as representative govts were restored
Salem Witch Trials
Resulted/caused by tension developed between ideals of Puritan small, tightly knit farming communities and developing ideals of a colony based on trade
Suspicion of witchcraft
Older farmers accusing new secular generation
King Williams War
The War of Austrian Succession
English allied with Iroquois and French allied with algonquins
French destroyed Schenectady while British captured Port Royal
Reaffirmed prewar colonial boundaries
Allowed France totals Santo Domingo (Haiti)
Queen Anne’s War
War of Spanish Succession
Spain and Iroquois allied with France
British attacked Spanish FL at St. Augustine from SC while arming Indian slave refugees as allies
No clear victory but ended with Treaty of Utrecht: France gave Britain Newfoundland, Acadia, Hudson Bay, and Great Lakes region
Colonies led by property electing assemblies and governors appointed by proprietors
One of the reasons Britain could regain control of its colonies after its wars in Europe
Caused rise of colonial assemblies
British politics during the reigns of George I and George II
Fostered american self govt through salutary neglect
More concerned about defending economy and trade rather than English territory
Many american leaders were chosen based on connections rather than skill
Added additional taxation on navigation laws (molasses act: tightened colonial trade & Townshend acts: toward end of salutary neglect)
First Great Awakening
Religious revival in colonies in 1720s-40s
Said preachers were “cold” and not devoted enough to God
John Edwards preached about horrors of hell
George Whitefield: famous for loud emotional voice
Resulted in est. of Yale, Harvard, brown, Dartmouth, Princeton, Rutgers
Caused social rebellion (possibly led to skepticism toward political leaders)
The creation of the Dominion of New England increased the power of…
The governor of the area
The growth of colonial assemblies alarmed the British because…
- They expressed anti-british feelings
- Ideals of the “power of the purse”could ultimately undermine British control
- They occasionally ignored or resisted instructions from Britain
- Governors appointed in Britain had little control over them
- NOT because they increased demo ratio tendencies
What changed in the slave system of the southern colonies began in the 1730s
Mores leaved began to live and work on larger plantations