Word Root: Chapter 1 + 2 Flashcards
Word Root
Foundation of the word that contain its main meaning
What language(s) is word root derived from?
Latin and Greek
What is it called when the word root is combined with a vowel?
Combined Form
ex: megaly combined to gastr
gastr/o /megaly= gastromegaly
condition, therapeutic or diagnostic procedure; “what are you doing to it”
denotes singular or plural form of the word
Where is the suffix?
At the end of the word
Inflammation (suffix)
Enlargement (suffix)
Tumor (suffix)
cell (suffix)
indicating a number, time, position, measurement, or direction; “tells you where it is”
ex: PRE/natal- period before birth
POST/natal- period after birth
Where is the prefix?
Placed at the beginning of the word
Excessive, or above normal (prefix)
Below, or less than (prefix)
The steps to defining medical terms?
- Define the suffix (last part of word)
- Define the prefix (first part of the word)
- Define the middle part of the word
last things first, first things second, middle at the end
The most used vowel for the combining form?
“o” (enables two or more word elements to be connected)
Type of Suffix:
describes a type of invasive procedure performed on the body part
ex: append/ ectomy
arthr/o/ centesis
lith/o/ tripsy
removal; excision (surgical suffix)
ex: append/ectomy- surgical removal of appendix
surgical puncture (surgical suffix)
ex: arthr/o/ centesis- surgical puncture of the joint
crushing (surgical suffix)
ex: lith/o/ tripsy- crushing a stone
destruction, separation, loosening (surgical suffix)
ex: thromb/o/ lysis- destruction or separation of a blood clot
surgical fracture; to break (surgical suffix)
ex: oste/o/ clasis- surgical fracture of a bone performed to correct a deformity
fixation of an organ (surgical suffix)
ex: mast/o/ pexy- fixation of the breasts
suture (surgical suffix)
ex: my/o/ rrhaphy- suture of a muscle
surgical repair (surgical suffix)
ex: rhin/o/ plasty- surgical repair of the nose
forming an opening (mouth) (surgical suffix)
ex: trache/o/ stomy- windpipe
fixation of bone or joint; binding (surgical suffix)
ex: arthr/o/ desis- fusion of bones in an unstable joint
instrument to cut (surgical suffix)
ex: oste/o/ tome- instrument to cut bone
incision (surgical suffix)
ex: trache/o/ tomy- incision of the trachea
Diagnostic Suffixes
Denote a procedure or test performed to identify the cause and nature of an illness ex: electr/o/cardio/gram gastr/o/ scopy encephal/o/ graphy
instrument for examining (diagnostic suffix)
ex: endoscope
visual examination (diagnostic suffix)
ex: endoscopy
instrument for recording (diagnostic suffix)
ex: electrocardiograph
process of recording (diagnostic suffix)
ex: electrocardiography
instrument for measuring (diagnostic suffix)
ex: spirometer
act of measuring (diagnostic suffix)
ex: spirometry
record, writing (diagnostic suffix)
ex: electrocardiogram
Pathological Suffixes
Describe an abnormal condition or a disease
-algia/ dynia
pain (pathological suffix)
ex: neur/ algia- nerve pain
gen/ genesis
forming, producing, origin (pathological suffix)
ex: carcinogen- substance that increases risk of caner
carcinogenesis- transformation (long process)
vomiting (pathological suffix)
ex: hyperemesis- excessive vomiting
swelling (pathological suffix)
ex: angioedema- swelling of blood vessels
hernia, or swelling (pathological suffix)
ex: hepatocele- protrusion of the liver through the diaphram
abnormal condition (pathological suffix)
ex:cyanosis- bluish coloration of blood cells
involuntary twitching (pathological suffix)
ex: blepharospasm- twitching of the eyelid
narrowing, stricture (pathological suffix)
ex: arteriostenosis- narrowing of the artery
discharge, flow (pathological suffix)
ex: rhinorrhea- runny nose
(pathological suffix)
ex: myopathy- disease of the muscle
(pathological suffix)
ex: arteriorrhexis- rupture of artery
paralysis (pathological suffix)
ex: quadriplegia- paralysis f four extremities
dilation, expansion (pathological suffix)
ex: bronchiectasis- dilation of the bronchi
blood condition (pathological suffix)
ex: leukemia- white blood cells (cancer of)
anemia- not enough blood cells
Grammatical Suffixes
Attached to word roots to form parts of speech, such as adjectives and nouns gastr/ic (adjective) neur/al (adjective) obstetr/ician (noun) pneumon/ia (noun)
Diminutive Suffix
Denote a smaller version of a word tub/ ULE (small, minute) arteri/ OLE (small, minute)
adjective suffixes-
–ac, –al, -ar, -ary, -ic, -ile,
and ous mean?
pertaining to
Noun suffixes
–esis, -ia, and ism mean?
Noun suffixes
–ician and ist mean?
Singular and Plural Suffixes
Change when a word is modified from a singular to a plural form diagno/sis to diagno/ses bronch/us to bron/chi deform/ity to deformi/ities Thrombus to Thrombi Ovum to Ova Fungus to fungi
Noun suffix -iatry means?
Medicine; treatment
Diminutive suffixes
- icle
- ole
- ule mean?
Small, minute