Woods Flashcards
Light grayish brown to reddish brown striking grain
Creamy white to light reddish brown straight grain
Light gray brown to dark purple brown
Cream color to light reddish brown visible resin canals and growth rings
Cream white to light reddish brown extremely small pores
Light to dark reddish brown, straight grain and small individual pores
Grayish through creamy white through to a reddish dark brown
Yellowish brown through reddish brown to dark red
Very light brown hardwood
QLight yellow to brownish yellow with green tinge
Tawny yellow to dark brown with frequent lighter an darker streaks
Teak (Indonesia)
Creamy white to reddish brown occasional dark brown
Light brown to dark brown often containing shades of red
Various shades of dark brown to dark purple
Creamy white to yellowish with obvious differences between spring and summer growth
Deep reddish brown with obvious alternating spring and summer growth rings
Light red with light colored streaks running throughout
Pale Reddish Brown
Pale to dark brown with occasional red streaks running throughout
Creamy white to creamy brown with frequent reddish markings
Strip piled to solid foundation allow air to circulate around every piece while sloping allows water to run off quickly
Natural Drying- Air/ Sun Drying
Done in dry kiln lumber is artificially dried in correct moisture content
Kiln Drying
Fibers running in the same direction as the main axis of the Tree
Straight Grain
Grains are in successive layers in opposite direction
Inter-locked Grain
Constantly changing in orientation so that a line drawn parallel their direction appears as wavy
Wavy or Curly Grain
Gain logged not sawn along its vertical axis
Diagonal Grain
Grain of tree grows twisted
Spiral Grain
fiber’s run approximately parrallel with vertical axis of log
Straight Grain
Grain direction of wood fibers has constantly changed
Wavy Grain
Fibers at directions that are varying and irregular from from log’s vertical axis
Irregular Grain
Grain structure sawn fibers lined up in opposite directions
Interlocked Grain
Grain structure sawn board is cut in grain direction but through radius
Quarter/Radial Grain
Grain structure sawn cut across the grain
End Grain
Methods of sawing : most common method, highest quality usable lumber
Plain Sawing
Methods of sawing: cuts log in quarters
Quarter Sawing
Methods of sawing: sawing through and through
Live Saw
effect of basal stumps of incipient or cast off branches in the living tree
Small knots caused by shedding of early branches
Pin Knots
Knots sliced through their length during sawing, “slash knots”
Spike/ Slash Knots
Dead Knots which are still sound and difficult to dislodge
Encased Knots
two or three knots springing from a common center
Branched Knots
medullary and springwood are weaker than remainder and built in tensions
log piths or heart radially along medullary rays that the tree has passed its prime
Radial Shakes
Project inwardly from definite frost rib on cambium, result of severe weather
Frost Shakes
Soft Springwood splits away from harder summerwood during seasoning or shearing stress caused by old age
Tangential Shake
Failures caused by compression
Cross Shakes
“Resin Pockets” appear as thin veins or shallow cavities filled with resin
Pitch Veins, Pitch pockets
Repeated damage to cambium layer by small insects
Pitch Flecks
Patches of ingrowing bark cause of exterior damage to growing tree
Rind Galls
Sapwood dies ring by ring forming heartwood, if sapwood survive within heartwood, show as lighter patches in Rio rosewood
Internal Sapwood
not usually classifies as defects, may enhance value of timber
Burls/ Burrs
Tissue formed over wound in tree resulting unnatural growth
Fungoid disease
Partially heated fire scar
Wood shrink on drying creating internal strains and stresses
Artificial defects
Hollows across width
Cupping/ Rounding
Curved throughout its length, succession of short bows
Cupping/ Rounding
Edge Bend, wood remains flat hut bends edgewise on own plane
Twists on its longitudinal axis long edges are straight and diagonals are curved
Synonymous terms for distortion in one or more directions
Warping/ Casting
Butt end of plank splits open caused by rapid drying
End Splitting
wood covered with small splits along the grain by too rapid drying in hot sun
Sun Checking
Wood lifts in innumerable small flakes or layers which spring under cutting action preventing smooth surface
Grain runs obliquely to the longitudinal axis due to incorrect sawing
Diagonal Grain
If wood dried too quickly
Case Hardening
If kiln-drying of case hardened timber is continued to dryness then natural shrinkage movement of moist interior will locked in
Too rapid kiln drying of green timber can result in a flattening of wood cells by vacuums
Part of Tree perpendicular to growth rings
Medullar Rays
Chemical belonging to such groups as acids, alcohol, resinous substances, oils, dyes, and pigments
Wood Finishes
Emphasize and enhance charm of natural wood color and grain
Soak into wood pores to give natural look and feel
Penetrating Finishes
Seals wood pores for protection against water and other destrucutive elements
Surface Coating
from resins dissolved in ethyl alcohol, high gloss when dried
Clear Lacquer
Resin +Ethyl Alcohol=
from various gums and resins dissolved in an oil or alcohol, elastic finish
from gums derived from plants, insects, and vegetable matter
from synthetic resin, esterified glycerineq
Spirit Varnish made by dissolving lurified lac flakes in denatured alcohol
Lac Flakes+ Denatured Alcohol=
achieved by boiling linseed oil or various other oils
Oil Stain Finish
Transparent plastic finish made of polyhydric esterified with etc . Very tough, hard, flexible finish
Polyurethane Finish
Achieved by brushing, rubbing or spraying processed fatty acids from animals and vegetables combo with alcohol, hardness and durability
Wax or Films
Dyes or pigments suspended in water or oil, alters coloring of the wood accentuates without covering grain of wood
Wood Stain Finish
Achieved by applying various acids and chlorine compound by bleaching agents, lightening wood color to yellowish
Bleach Finish
Comparatively weak, removing chemical, dyes, ink, and water stain
Chlorinated Laundry Bleach
Best bleach to use not only on natural wood colors but also many water and chemical stain
Oxalic Acid
Fairly expensive and extremely strong, bring out really light on dark wood
Two-Solution Bleaches
Gives solid finish for protection and decoration
mixture of solid pigment suspended in a liquid vehicle
Paints and Enamels
finely ground insoluble substance suspended in a liquid vehicle to impart color and opacity
either white lead, oxide, lithophane or titanium
White pigment
derived from minerals or clay
Colored pigments
whitting talc or silica
nonvolatile fluid in which solid body material is suspended
volatile liquid used to dilute paint or varnish to the desired or proper consistency
added to paint to accelerate oxidation and hardening of vehicle
Simulates appearances and textures or natural materials such as marbles granite and other stones
Other Decorative and Fanciful Finishes
Made of thin veneer sheets glued together arranged crosswise
size of wood boarda
4’x8’ or 1200mmx2400mm
Series of wood core strips glued together side by side to form slab sandwiched
Composed of wood chips carefully graded mixed with synthetic resin glue and pressed
Particle Boards
Used extensively in the building industry in various density, application for furniture used for back panels and drawer bottoms
Fiber Boards
Same construction as fiberboards except that it has thin outer pressed melamine finish
Melamine Boards