Mock Color Theory Flashcards
means anchoring the cover on upholstered furniture or mattress by sewing through the filler, often with buttons; arranged to form a pattern
Most visible color under most conditions
Paint that turns the light around and send a large portion back in the same direction it came from
Retroreflective Paint
Uniform dark gray background that many people report seeing in absence of light
To see everything in tinted blue
Condition in which one sense is simultaneously as if by one or more additional senses such as light
19th C French chemist who in studying the chemistry of dyeing a colour system that became the heart of pointillism and neo impressionism
Amount of light energy emitted or reflected from an object in a direction. Luminance is the only form of light we can see
Authority of color, provider of color systems and leading technology for accurate communication of color
Visual perceptual property corresponding in human to the categories called red, blue yellow
Merging juxtaposed dots or strokes of pure colors when seen from a distance to produce a hue often more luminous than that available from a premixed pigment
Color Mixing
Lightness or Darkness of a hue or color
State or process that occurs when no more of something can be absorbed, combined with or added
Light originates from a single point and spreads outward in all directions
Directional Lighting
Light originates from a single point and spreads outward in a cone
Point Lighting
Represents an omni-directional fixed intensity and fixed color light source that affects all objects in the scene equally
Ambient Lighting
A non specific term that refers to an image continuing to appear in one’s vision after the exposure to the original image has ceased
Most physical color in spectrum
A system for specifying colors arranged in three orderly scales of uniform visual steps according to hue, chroma and value developed in 1898.
Munsell System
wavelengths that are absorbed and reflected
Study of color is essentially a mental and psychological science, for the term color itself refers to sensation
Faber Birren
ColorTheorist developed color wheel based on afetrimage
Albert Munsell
Newton color Model consists of how many hues
White light can be produced as long as a source emits the following wavelengths
Red Blue Yellow
Colorblindness also known as
Color Vision Deficiency
Color with low saturation means the color is
Normal person with normal vision if flashed the following colors will notice this hue first
Material that changes the light absorption characteristics of another material to which it is applied
Sharpness of vision measured by the ability to discern letters and numbers at a given distance according to a fixed standard
Visual Acuity
Phenomenon that occurs when two colors that are not actually the same appear the same under certain light condition
Optical phenomenon of a certain surface that appears to gradually change color as the angle of view or the angle of illumination changes
Colors that are pure and brilliant are described as
Colors that will result by mixing primary ad secondary
ROYGBIV is an acronym for the colors of the
Visible Spectrum
Measure of the amount of light falling on a surface that is reflected back, measure of total amount of light reflected
Only pictorial depth cue that has a hue component
Atmospheric Perspective
Describes what happens when the value of an entire composition is altered by adding, removing or changing one color only
Optical Mixes
Monitor screen is made up of individual elements which are smallest of the screen display
Mode of color display requires learning to mix light in a way that is associated only with digital design
Used to move layers in photoshop selections and guides with a photoshop document
Move Tool
Range of colors that a monitor displays
Term refers to a body of practical guidance to color mixing and visual effects of a specific color combination
Color Theory
Among early proponent of Color Theory, wrote optics in 1704, ideas pertaining to color
Isaac Newton
Term refers to luminescent degree of lightness or darkness of a color
Tonal value
When light reaching an object is either reflected or absorbed, the object is
Color Scheme: use of shade of the same hue
Color scheme: dominant hue is balanced by colors found on each side of its true complement
Split complementary
Color scheme: Achromatic Color
Black and white
Color scheme: two colors that are on opposite side of color wheel
Color scheme: evenly spaces around color wheel