Plastics & Metals Flashcards
Long chain molecular structures from common elements and compounds by chemical synthesis
Polymeric, Polymers and regarded as potential plastics
necessary degree of polymerization has been achieved, long chain, by heat can be softened and resoftened
Polymerization has been arrested at a stage, short chain molecules, more resistant to heat, can’t be remolded
Can be foamed with suitable gassing agents to form rigid shell structures
Rigid Foam Plastics
Very high thermal resistance for given thickness, low water absorption and low water vapour permeability, good thermal stability
Relatively low resistance for given thickness, high strength and very good thermal stability
Phenol-Formaldehyde (Phenolic Foam)
HIgh Thermal resistance for given thickness but low mechanical strength, high water absorption and high water vapour permeability
Cavity Wall Insulation
Good insulation efficiency, high strength, good chemical and moisture resistance, restricted to spray applications
Rapid moldings techniques for the production of rigid shapes or shells
Polyester Resin Fiberglass Laminates
The wax coat is first huffed off the pattern, which is then coated with polyester emulsion wax release
GRP Former Mould
The former mould is treated with emulsion was, wax polish and release agent
Finished Mould
“Acrylic Sheet” is readily obtainable in clear transparent pastel shades full colors and transfusing and fluorescent colors
has universal uses as fiber material for it can be cold drawn to five times its original strength
Familiarly known as Formica, Wilson Art, composed of craft paper impregnated with phenolic resins while surface can be purely decorative
Decorative Plastic Laminates
was largely made of mild steel tube, hence familiar name tubular steel furniture
Hitherto Metal Furniture
Composed mainly of iron with small additions of other metals and substances
Ferrous Metal
Types of Metal
Ferrous Metal
Non-Ferrous Metal
These contain little or no iron
Non-Ferrous Metal
Iron with traces of silicate, it is easily worked and is tough and ductile
Wrought iron
Iron with small amount of carbon, silicon =, sulfur, etc., a high fire resistance
Cast Iron
Iron with up to 0.3 per cent carbon
Mild Steel
Steel with chromium and nickel
Stainless Steel
Composition varied by addition of different elements such as nickel ,chromium, copper, manganese to molten steel
Tool and Alloy Steel
has high resistance to corrosion
Copper-bearing Steel
Lustrous, silver white magnetic lightweight metal that is very malleable has good thermal and electrical conductivity
Pure Metal, Lustous Reddish Brown, highly ductile and malleable
Pure Metal, Soft Malleable, Heavy Metal, easy to cut and work, enable to fit under uneven surfaces
Pure Metal, substitute for lead flashing and lining
Pure metal, Lustrous white, soft, malleable metal having low melting point unaffected by exposure to air
Two or more metal and other substances
Copper + Tin
Aluminun + Copper + Other metals
Copper + Zinc
Slow hardening process, takes place in alloys
Age Hardening
Ability to break under sharp blow
Capacity to transmit heat and electricity
Ability to stretch into fine wire without fracture
Ability to regain original shape after deformation
Property of becoming liquid when heated
Resistance to deformation
Capacity to be extended in all directions without fracturing by rolling, hammering or beating
Resistance to a pulling force
Tenacity and Cohesion
Hardening of Metal while its being hammered or bent
Work Hardening
Method in which coating is applied on metallic substrate, process includes cleaning and chemical pre treatment
Coating (Organic)
Three Types of Coating:
One side or Two side
Laminating with plastic films
Non-metallic coating
Non metallic coating:
Plastic and Nylon Coating
Coating with non transparent formulation containing pigments
Coating with formulation based on dissolved materials which forms transparent layer
Continuous coating of metal strip
Coil Coating
Single coating of any type with no particular requirements for appearance, malleability, corrosion protection etc. on reverse side of coated products
Backing Coat
Treatment of a metal with chemical solutions by dipping or spraying to build up an oxide film containing chromates and phosphates
Chemical Conversing Coating (CheCoCo)
Application of priming a paint often pigmented with corrosion inhibitor
Application of solution containing resin chromate and acid which allowed to dry on and provide key for subsequent painting
Pre treatment Priming
single coating or as primer with special properties
Single Coat System
System compromising primer/base coat, intermediate coat, top coat
Multiple Coat System
Dry paint film of coated product or organice film metal laminate
Organic Coating
Organic film applied to a substrate and primer applied beforehand
Film Coating
Process of Applying thin coating of an expensive anti-corrosive metal
Metallic Coating
Chemical Treatment to improve optical reflectivity of a surface
Chemical Brightening
Polishing of a metal surface by immersion in a solution of chemical reagents
Chemical Polishing
Removal of oil or grease by a suitable organic solvent aqueous detergent
Roughening of surface by metal by overall or selective dissolution in acid
Removal of a thin surface layer of a metal by chemical action, by caustic solution
chemical change accompanying the passage of an electric current
Polishing of a metal surface by making it anodic in an appropriate electrolyte
Metal with an anodic coating, by electrolyte oxidation process
Anodized metal
Metal with substantially colorless, translucent anodic oxidation coating
Clear Anodized Metal
Anodized metal colored during anodizing or by subsequent coloring process
Color Anodized Metal
Metal has been anodized by appropriate electrolyte produces colored coating
Integral Color Anodized Metal
Metal with an anodic oxidation coating colored y electrolytic disposition of metal or metal oxide into pore structure
Electrolytically Colored Anodized Metal
Metal with anodic oxidation coating colored by absorption of dye stuff/pigment
Dyed Anodized Metal
Metal with anodic oxidation coating colored by electrolytic coloring by integral color anodizing
Combination Color Anodized Metal
Metal with anodic oxidation coating colored by means optical interference effects
Interference Color Anodized Metal
Anodized metal with high specular reflectances as primary characteristic
Bright Anodized Metal
Anodizingw here protection against corrosion or wear is the primary characteristic and appearance is secondary of no importance
Protective Anodizing
Anodizing where decorative finish with a uniform or aestehtically pleasing appearance is primary characteristics
Decorative Anodizing
Anodizing to produce an architectural finish to be used in permanent exterior and static situations, appearance and life long are important
Architectural Anodizing
Anodized metal on anodic oxidation coating has been wear or abrassion resistance as primary charcteristic
Hard Anodized Metal
Treatment of anodic oxidation coatings on metal to reduce porosity and absorption capacity by hydrothermal process carried out after anodizing
Treatment of anodic oxidation coatings on metal to plug the pores and reduce the absorption capacity of coating chemical process carried cut at low temprature
Cold Impregnation
The part of product covered or to be covered by the coating and for which the coating is essential for serviceability and appreance
Significant Surface
The process uses a colored powder that is given a positive electric charge
raising, molding, or carving a surafec design in relief
By Embossing
To carve, cut designs
By Engraving
The process of using strong acid or mordant to cut into the unprotected parts of a metal surface to create a design
By Etching
By Hammering
A technique used to work metal into a raised design by sinking the front surface, design is raised through the reverse side
By Chasing
Direct heating metal to restore it ot its softest possible working state
Treating steel to improve its corrosion-resistance. Metal is heated to create oxide skil and then QUENCHED IN OIL
Production of metal shapes by pouring molten metal into moulds
Forcing malleable materials through holes to produce bars, sections, or tubes
Shaping hot metal by hammering
Producing maximum hardness in high carbon steel by heating it to bright cherry red, the quenching it in water or brine (salt water)
Forming sheet metal to shape with a press tool
Process in which a fast revolving sheet of ductile metal is forced over a wood or metal form
Removing some of the brittleness from steel after it has been hardened
Pulling ductile metals through holes in a plate, to reduce their cross-sectional areas
Made by drilling a hole in the pieces of metal to be joined then inserting and fastening nuts and bolts rivets and screws
Mechanical Method
Methods of making permanent connection in metals by applying molten alloy between joint faces
Soldering and Brazing
Extremely strong means of joining metals
A climbing palm that thrives on Asiatic Regions, Common material and novelties
Includes palasan over 25mm-250mm
Diameter 15mm-25mm
Glossy, flexible, bright yellow less than 15mm
Dia= less than 15mm but having light cream
Cut into size and placed in a steam compartment for 10min
By Steam-Bending Technique
Heating the part to be bent directly or by heating a piece of metal and transferring the heat to the rattan
By Blow-Torch
Heating a piece of metal, transfer heat to rattan
By Metal Plate Heating
woody grass known as Bambunese, stems called CULM, cylindrical and seperated by joints called NODES
Space in between nodes
Largest Palm in Phil. ht of 20m
Tough outer covering of a variety of animals fruite seed and nuts
Need transparent varnish or natural lacquer finish
Leather is an important upholstery material for furniture, began using as early as 17th C
can also be used and ideal for furniture framing, combo with lighter wood and laminated plywood
Another product by which, shows good potential for development of furniture furnishing and Phil prodcuts
Is desirable interesting furniture construction material for some applications
stronger, but is rarely used in furniture because it must be cast rather than cut to size
Tempered Glass
Most common stone for furniture, tends to shatter less than glass but also tends to break along veining lines
Construction technique rather than material, made of Kraft paper and plastic