Women - Lenin Flashcards
alexandra kollontai’s ideas
- no communism without gender equality - saw it as the best way to promote their rights
- women should have own income
- women were enslaved by housework
- sexual freedom
- opposed marriage = constrained & limited women
- children homes, communal canteens etc would give them more time for other activities
- relationships on love & equality - no arranged marriage
what branch did the bolsheviks establish & when?
- zhenotdel in 1917 = women’s branch of the CC
- to promote the status of women
- 1917 = rushed through them which gave women greater status & freedom in marriage
- divorce made easier & abortion legalised
- no longer needed husband’s permission to work/study in further education
what happened at a women’s congress one time?
he was cheered in 1918 for suggesting that baba, a derogatory name for women, should be banned
- equal pay
- maternity leave arrangements granted
soviet constitution of…
- equal rights
what did he try to do in central asia & how?
break down the traditional values by using young female activists who encouraged unveiling & explained basic contraception, personal hygiene & childcare
campaign in central asia
1927 = against the veiling of women
- some success = opportunities for muslim women increased
what did divorce being made easier do?
- rise in divorce rate = didn’t help women support children
- few received financial support from the dad
- 70% initiated by men, often abandoning their pregnant wives
attitude of male population
slow to change
during the civil war
- although women got more work, their lives often got worse
- 70,000 in red army but few held high rank
- millions recruited into factories but childcare was inadequate
- gov lacked resources to provide creches
post civil war
- women more likely to be unskilled
- many lost jobs when soldiers returned
- still belief that they weren’t fit for heavy manual work & less reliable due to pregnancy etc
war & famine 1921-22
- left many homeless
- rise in prostitution amongst urban women
in muslim areas of central asia…
- polygamous, male-dominated family was well established
- women shielded from public view, often veiled & denied education
did attitudes change due to the 1927 campaign?
- very slow to change
- violent resistance