window dressing Flashcards
window dressing
manipulation of financial accounts by a business to improve the appearance of its performacnce
presentation of financial data
- using graphs with distorted scales to give the apperance of bigger or smaller changes in scales
- may only highlight certian details or examples of where the business is doing particually well to disguise other areas havent have done as well
-not include any comparative data wirh previous years , performance, competion/; industry
using balence sheet and profit and loss
overstaing brand valuations
-revaluing brands, brand value is an intangible fixed asset therefore increases in brand value increases the assets of a company giving the impression they are worth more
, defend against takeovers
valuing brands is subjective therefore an oportunitirt to window dress accounts
hiding the costs of poor investments and hiding costs
banks have been found to write down the value of ‘ toxic assets’ as a result of failed investment, huge losses are given the apperance of minimising losses, inflating profit levels
worldcom- inflated profits by disguising expenses as investment in assets, seemed like a really sucessful company never actually made a profit
sales and leaseback improve liquidity
cash flow problems in short term are improved by sale and lease back
selling fixed assets amd leasing back sae assets e.g. build a new retail outlet normallu used by department stores sell outlet and leaseback store improving short term cash situation and liquifiity altthough may riase questions on long term business performancde
injects money back into the business showing higer cash balenced smaller lease payments improving cash flow
the use of extraudinary and exceptional items
exceptional items unusual one time events not part if normal business operations e.g. selling an asset, large gains. businesses should separate this as an ‘exceptional ‘ item from regular income but may count it within to exadurate revenues
extraudinay items, unusual infrequent e.g. high demand due to e.g. pandemic typically removed but may use t as part of normal revenue to exadurate revenue
reasons why businesses window dress accounts
- increase share price, if business seems t be making high profits mr=ore attractive to investors increasing share price
-deter or attract takeovers-
more valuable/ profitablee business attract takeover seemingly successful increasing price Get
don’t want take over could use brand valuation make seem more valuable and expensive
reduce tax bill by making business profits look smaller e.g. including redundancy costs in normal losses then may be able to reduce tax payments
improve credit rating if seems to be making high profits and doing well may be able to finance from banks more easily seem less risky
praise and rewards- good financial accounts could result in praise and financial rewards from managers