component 1 definitons HR Flashcards
organisational design
process of aligning the structure of an organisation with its objectives
span of control
number of subordinates that a manager has direct responsibility for
ranking of workforce in terrms of importance and power
chain of command
paths communication takes which orders or instructions are passed down
where decision making is kept at the top level of an organisational structure has a narrow span of control
where decision making is spread through the organisation and is delegated to lower levels of the heirarchy
assinment of authority for tasks and decisions to employees lower down the heirarchy
giving someone power, responsibility, auhority
span of control
how many workers are directly responsible to a manager or supivisor high level of delegation span is often wide,narrower span - control is tight and centralised
labour turnover
percentage of workforce that leave a business within a given period of time
percentage of employees that are absent over a period of time
labour productivity
measurment of efficiency within a business
workforce planning
process of forecasting future staffing requirements, putting the right number of employees with the right skills and experience in the right jobs at the right time
act of assessing a workers performance in relation to their current targets and setting targets for the future and identifying any training needed
process of developing an employees skills and knowledge in a workplace
human resource managagment is a field of managment which deals with planning and organising and controlling the functions of ordering, devleoping and maintaining and utilising a labour force such thar organisational and individual goals are fufilled.
employees being viewed as a valuable respurce of a business that needs to be carefully selcected, trained , motivated and retained so that corporate objectives can be achieved.
drive or desire within individuals to take action, achieve goals, and perform tasks effectively and efficiently in the workplace.
taylors theory
people only work for money
workers can produce more output if responsibility for decision making and planning is removed
employees will do the minimum amount of work if not suoervised
main form of motivation is higher wages
small tasks using relitevely unskilled workers = efficient
mayo and hawthorne
motibation at work promoted by-
better teamwork
better communication
involvment in decision making
ensuring wellbeing of others
making work intersting and non repetitive
environment-lighting and humidity
employee arrangment e.g., breaks, hours
people dont just work for moenu
recognition and feeeling valued
maslows heirarchy
social needs
esteem needs
self- actualisation
porter and lawlers
intrinsic rewards- positive feelings that individual experiencrs from coompleting a task- pride/reward/satisfaction- inportance of job content
extrinsic- rewards from outside indivifual- material rewards, bonuses / pay increases
job enlargment
increasing number of tasks completed by employee
job enrichment
giving employees more control over the tasks they complete
job design
job should incude tasks that are of interest to the employee and challenging allowing for decision making
giving employees power to control their own jobs makr decisions and impliment own ideas
quality circles
groups of employees meet on a regular basis to discuss problems and offer solutions
process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling resources, activities, and people within an organization to achieve its goals efficiently and effectively.
process of guiding and directing a team or organization towards achieving its objectives by providing vision, direction, and motivation while effectively managing resources and fostering collaboration.
mc gregor theory x manager
workers mmust be suoervised or quality/quantity will fall
- workers will only respect a type of manager that tells them what to do with complete authority
- money is the only motivator
-workers dont want to be involved in decision making
-workers want to remain faceless to managent
workers have little ambition
- links to taylor and vroom
mc gregor theory y
workers cant be motvated by money alone seek more than financial satisfaction
-workers are ambitiois, willing to train and contribute ti chances of promotion
workers will be more efficeient when left to own devises- trust breeds responsibility
- workerd want to contribute to improving effeicency, want to be seen/ noticed, rewarded amd appreciated by managment
agrees with mayo, maslow and herzberg
autocratic leadership
this type of leader gives orders which are to be obeyed without question- theory x manager
no time for consideratiion of maszlows heirchary of needs
can be effective when rapid restrictiring is required, to be effective relys on
- strict heirarchy structure, no employee involvement in decision making
- fw taylor style
- strict control
-decisins top of heirarchy
paternalistic leadership
leaders/managers make all decisoons, no employee involvemnt but may attempt to persuade employees decisoon making is made in best interest of welfare of employees abd may consult them before a decision
related to mayos work on human relations and some of maslows needs
democratic/participative leadership
consults subordinates in decision making process, subordinates are involved with managers in designing their jobs and tasks involved, communicate effecitvely with employeees in order to consult and recieve feedback
can make workforce more motvated and commited to organisation and promote creativity snd better decisions delegation is common
- maslow
mccgregor theory y
laissez- faire
leader has minimal input and subordinates are largely left to get on with their jobs
minimum guidence is given
workers can loose motivaton and can be uncommited to work
bureaucratic leadership
- clearly defined rigid anf complex rules/procedures
- usually heirarchal structure
-centralised decision making - tightly frfined job descriptiond e.g., civil servicegovernemt/local governement
each employee knoes percisely their duties
tasks performed alot wuicker and more efficientlu.
fiedlers cintingency model
wright and taylor
contract of employment
legal document signed by employer and employee outlining terms and conditions of employment e.g., working hours, pay, holidays, job duties. if either party breaks contract liable to legal action
health and saftey act
1974- ensure employees have safe working conditions and acess to saftey equipement and saftey training if needed
minimum wage
least amount of money a business can pay workers to do a job.2016- living wage introduced 23+.
minimum wage changes refelect changes in inflation and cost of living.
termination of an employees contract by their employer
unwanted behaviour linked to a protected characteristic that violates someones dignity or cretes an offensive environment for them
direct discrimination
Treating Someone with a protected characteristic less favourably than others
Indirect discrimination
Putting rules or arrangements in place that apply to everyone but that put someone with a protected characteristic at an unfair disadvantage
Treating someone unfairly because they have complained about discrimination or harassment
Trade union
Organisations that represent its members against decisions and working arrangements made by employers. Also provide services such as legal cover and different types of insurances. Titanians use collective bargaining to make employees more powerful by acting together
Flexible working
An employee on flexible hours has an agreed number of Walking hours. Made up of court hours that must be worked the remainder of the contracted hours can be worked on a flexible basis
Multi skilling
This involves businesses training their workforce to be able to work effectively across a wide range of skills
Job sharing
The splitting of an existing job to enable people to share it
Part time employment
During busy. Employees are employed to meet the needs of the employer at quieter times the court full time staff are sufficient. Clearly this has a cost saving implication
Home working
A good PC and broadband connexion can mean that many tasks can be fulfilled by working at home
Zero hour contract
This type of contract means that the employee has to be available for work but is not guaranteed any work
Hot desking
Hotdesking means that an employer has no fixed work space within an office environment
Temporary employment
Employment for a specific. Time for example six months took a cover maternity leave
Workforce planning
Ensuring that there will be the right number of workers, with the right skills, doing the right jobs at the right time in the right place
work trials
I walked throughout is a way of Trying out a potential employee before offering them a job. They are the ultimate extended interview
Job analysis
The process that identifies and determines in detail and the particular duties and requirements of the job and also what the position requires in terms of knowledge skills And experience
Person specification
A profile of persons suited for a job. Type of person an employer is looking for
Aptitude and ability test
Aptitude and ability test can take a variety of forms and are designed to test the ability of the candidate to complete the core tasks of the job
Personality tests/ psychometric testing
A psychometric test is a way of assessing a person’s personality in a measured unstructured way
Induction involves introducing a new employee to the workplace. They will become familiar with the administrative Systems of the employer and be introduced to work colleagues and the direct line of management
And partnerships are formal agreements between an employer and an employee that commits the employer to facilitate training and workplace experience For the employee. Need to recognise call qualification that is accepted throughout the relevant industry. All apprentices are paid a wage which is dependent on age
Training is an ongoing process. Often need to be retrained to cope with the changing working environment
A process of assessing the effectiveness of an employee
Self assessment
Self assessment is the process of having the employee critically reflect on their own performance, record their progress, suggesting targets for the future
Peer assessment
Peer assessment refers to the process of having employees of similar level of responsibility critically comment upon the performance of a co-worker and perhaps suggest methods of improvement
360 degree appraisal
Involved the appraised staff member receiving feedback from people whose views are considered helpful and relevant
Labour productivity
Labour productivity is a measurement of the output per employees. Important measure of the efficiency of the workplace
Workforce performance
Measuring the effectiveness of the workforce. When managers examine workforce performance they are examining the effectiveness of human resource management policies
Absenteeism rates
Measures how many employees miss work as a percentage of the total number of employees
Labour turnover
Measures the rates at which employees leave a firm
Organisational structures
An organisation structure is the way in which the business is arranged to carry out its activities
Independent structure
An independent structure exists when the organisation does not have an obvious structure this is the common case for professional practises such as lawyers doctors and accountants where members operate as a team
Matrix structure
Often used when cross functional teams are created to run a project. May come from different disciplines. The sizes getting people with particular specialist skills together into project teams
Entrepreneurial structure
Exist when a few key workers at the Core of the business make all major decisions. Usually in smokers and says this will be the owner or the entrepreneur that is a workload issue for the decision makers and the responsibility for many tasks will fall to them
Tall organisation
Has a long chain of command many levels of the hierarchy and narrow spans of control leading to a close control over employees
A flat organisation
A short chain of command a few levels of the hierarchy and wide sponsor control leading to employees operating with more independence
When a business closes down or merges aspects of their operations in order to reduce costs and remain competitive in the marketplace
Non financial motivation
The use of non-financial methods on medication demonstrates attempts by employers To apply the ideas behind the theories of the likes of Mayo, Maslow and Herzberg
fiedlers Contingency model
The model states that there is no one best way of leadership. Leaders effectiveness is based on the situation as a result of the two factors: leadership style and situational control