sales forecasting Flashcards
reliability of sales forecasting
historical data not always good indication of what might happen in the future trends might change e.g. air B and B and uber
increased competition may impact
past data inaccuracies
eco factors
sales forecasting
Sales forecasting is the process of predicting future sales levels by volume or value and future trends
quantitative sales forecasting
quantitative sales forecasting is based on data which can be historic or the results of quantitative research
Using past experience or past business data to forecast future sales
involves taking the past and extending it into the future.
purpose of a sales forecast
A sales forecast acts as a goal against which a business can measure its progress. It also drives many other decisions within the firm.
For example: inform resource management about inventory levels, production output and logistics, inform cash flow and budgets, aid workforce planning
time series analysis
Time series analysis uses evidence from past sales records to predict future sales patterns
time series analysis- seasonal analysis
sales are measured on a monthly or weekly basis to examine the seasonality of demand
time series analysis - trend analysis
this focuses on long-term data, which has been collected over a number of years. The
objective is to determine the general trend of sales - rising, falling or stagnant.
time series analysis - cycle analysis
as with trend analysis, long term figures are used but now the objective is to examine the relationship between demand levels and economic activity. For example, by asking the question ‘what is the relationship between demand for the product or products and the stage in the economic or business cycle?’
time series analysis- random factor analysis
this method of analysis attempts to explain how unusual or extreme sales figures occur
Random factor analysis therefore attempts to provide explanations for unusual or abnormal sales activity.
moving averages
this technique evens out any major fluctuations in the sales data series to allow the underlying trend to be seen more clearly
the process of removing fluctuations is known as smoothing
smoothing mathematically removes any seasonal variations from data a series
A correlation measures the relationship between two variables e.g. whether there is a link between a business’s
advertising expenditure and the amount of sales it achieves
can be either: positive, negative or non- existent.
advantages of time series analysis
- Helps the business plan ahead
- Helps financial planning, including cash flow management
- Production planning to determine the right level of supplies are ordered and the production process is
efficient to meet either higher levels or lower levels of production - Human resource planning, getting the right number and type of staff in the jobs that are needed. This may
mean recruiting more staff, retaining staff or making staff redundant. - Is useful in identifying seasonal variations
- Reduces the risk of unexpected surprises that could affect business performance.
disadvantages of time series analysis
- It is not always easy to predict the future
- Historical data is not always a good indication of what might happen in the future
- Even complicated sales forecasting methods can get it wrong and no forecast can be correct 100% of the
time - Less useful for long-term forecasts
- As with all forecasting methods, success is not guaranteed
surveys of customer intentions
This method of forecasting makes predictions by asking people directly what they intend to do in the future