component 1 formulas Flashcards
total revenue
= total quantity sold X selling price
= total revenue- total costs
total costs
= fixed costs+ variable costs
break even
= fixed costs/ selling price- variable cost per unit
what is meant by break even
where total revenue = total costs
variable costs
variable cost per unit X quantity/ output
what are fixed costs
total costs
= fixed costs+ variable costs
sales revenue
= selling price X quantity
contribution per unit
=selling price per unit- variable cost per unit
total contribution
= contribution per unit X number of units sold
= total sales - total revenues
profit 2
total contribution- fixed costs
margin of safety
actual sales- break even level of sales
labour turnover
average staff leaving/ average number of staff employed X100
labour productivity
total output per period of time/ average number of employees per period of time
total number of staff absence days over a year/ total number of working days that should have been worked X100
whats the average staff turnover
market share
sales of a business/ total sales in a market X 100
net cash flow
income- expenditure ( inflows- outflows)
opening balence
same as closing balence of previous month
closing balence
opening balence+ net cash flow
added value
sales revenue- cost of goods sold
cost of sales
opening inventories + purchases - closing inventories
gross profit
sales reveneue - cost of sales